YouTube being one of the most famous video sharing service, has plenty of videos ranging on almost every subject, whether it be music trailers or sports, you’ll be able to find videos about anything. Having access to YouTube videos is kind of Must for everyone today.
Users of expensive smartphones do have numerous apps and support to be able to download videos from YouTube, but users of feature phones are always missed. Most of the feature phones from Nokia are able to stream videos from YouTube, but the quality is never good and playback is full of lags. So, the best way out is to download videos from YouTube in a better quality and then watch it freely without any lags or misses. Follow the steps below to be able to download videos on your Nokia s40 mobile phones:
The program (app) which we’ll use is called YourTube (Youtube Downloader) and is available on Nokia Store for a very reasonable price of Rs. 10. It is the best YouTube Downloader app available for s40 phones. If for some reason you’re unable to purchase it from Nokia Store, you can download it from here (YourTube JAD File). Just copy paste the jar and jad file to your mobile phone and it will be installed automatically.
YourTube allows you to download videos from YouTube in many formats ranging from Low Quality 3gp to a 720p mp4. You’re free to download any format but, 360p mp4 will be an ideal choice for most users playing it on feature phones. Follow the steps below to use YourTube and download Videos:
- Download, Install and Open YourTube Youtube Downloader.
- On opening it for the first time, select options> settings and change the Destination Disk to E (Memory Card) and select Save.
- Now, enter any search term into the YouTube Search box, press search and wait for the app to find videos matching your search.
- From the list of videos displayed, select the one you prefer and select Optons> Video Properties if you wish to preview the video prior to downloading. Else, select Download from the options and wait for it to get the available formats.
- Select the download format of your choice (the one your phone supports) and start the download. Please note that, the higher quality you’ll choose, the higher will be the size of the downloaded video and the longer it will take to download.
- To have a look at the download progress, select Options> Download Screen.
- Once the download completes, you can watch the video by browsing to /Videos folder on your memory card.
Please leave a comment below telling us about your experience with this app.
Bro my phone is nokia asha 205 and what asses point should i select that live youtube videos opened and whats about stream setteing???
It says please check internet connection but i have internet connection and it works on browser plzzz help
The app is pretty outdated. I don’t know if it is still working, probably not.
The app is not working anymore 🙁
hi am using nokia plus. i the youtube app is expired please help me
nokia 2700c youtube softower way
Youtube danlodars
thanx for that coz the app is doin nicely with ma asha 305 but i jus wanted to ax streaming live on youtube and dowloadin the video,which option consume alot of data coz me i think streamin live is cheapl and by the way can i find an app that can help me to stream live?
Amazing… ! I tried to get this app from nokia store but it wasn’t free 🙁 But thanx to you bro 😉
what shud i rite HERE???
That field was for the comment. You wrote your comment in the place of your name 😛
Please sir,what is up with dis jad and jar thing..i use a nokia x202 and its not working
Just open the JAD link on your phone. Your download will go through fine 🙂
I am using nokia asha 210 , i just cant play online videos pliz help me
If you have your access point and streaming settings set correctly, it should work fine. Please do note that you can only play streaming videos from YouTube and a few other sites. Majority of the sites with online flash videos embedded will not be supported.
aftr i place yourtube.jad(4kb) file in my phone it says “invalid application . Delete?”. I am using asha 305. Plz check the file. Also it shows it’s size 32.0kb aftr moving to phone(memory card).
You need to open the jad file link on your phone instead. It needs to download the jar file before it could work.
Plz u hv to help, even after downloading no audio only video
No volume, can som1 help?
Watch after downloading, please. The built-in player can’t play the audio with the preview.
There is no audio
Exactly. Please download and then watch.
Else, stream directly from
It worked on my Nokia x202 thanks a ton.. God bless u..
Thanks for the blessings, Sudpita. Enjoy!
Sir no audio pleaz help how i can get video with audio
During the playback in the app? Unfortunately, no audio there.
I’m using
samsung wave 525
GT- 5253
can u pls give mi a link to download it on my phone
The post included a link. Anyways, click here to download.
when i search the word. it says: java.Lang.NullPointerException
Which phone you’re trying it on? 🙂
wow! great app. worked opn my nokia asha 205. tanx Bro.
You’re welcome. Thanks for the comment 🙂
How do u mk it free download. . . Plz share us. . N let us knw
I included the link too.
extra slow download videos from Yourtube apps . one video download not ful in 24 Hours
Use the SSyoutube download. Use UC Browser and transfer to UDisk before you download to the phone 🙂
Video not playing afterdownloading
Which phone is it? Maybe you need to download in 3GP then 😛
i am using it in ash 210 but when i go to download video it shows – no available formates ! why?
Some videos are restricted and not available for download and hence such a warning will pop up in this case.
Enjoy Brother 🙂
The app is not working for my Asha 305.. 🙁
Any error that you’re getting?
Awesome app dude..but pls upgrade this app so that we can atleast see the video size
It isn’t developed by me. Lets see if the original creator wishes to update it 😀
Thanks stil u mst request the developer for ur customers’ sake…
Customers. Ahh.. Alright! I’ll send an email to the developer, but the dev will first kill me for providing his mail app for free 😛
Better if you go and contact him for the same.
Btw is there any good pdf reader fr my Nokia asha 311?
Dude just try eZreader which is found in nokia store for free…afterall as asha 311 is a S40 phone it will hv some limitations
Just to add in, Samsung Star also uses a java proprietary OS similar to S40, but includes a built-in document reader. Its just that Nokia was never concerned about adding such functionality, otherwise it isn’t a tough task for a company like Nokia. Nokia actually failed to read user demand.
Just feels great wit my Nokia asha 311 nw…:-) thanks t you..:-)
Super app. Really nice.
But it can’t display size of video.
Yup.. On a 2G connection, its just not favorable to go any higher than 360p 🙂
Where do i download the app?? -_-?? i don’t see the link
Sorry! I forgot to add the link into post.
Here it is – Download YourTube
Its a JAD file, so open the link in your phone’s browser and it will install the app with correct certificates and permissions.
Thanks for the comment 🙂
Thanks 🙂
Wait. Why i open the link and its all midlet codes?
You need to open the link on your phone. Or if you’re already using your phone, can you try using Opera Mini to access the link? 🙂
WOW….. nice post….
Nokia 6303 you tube
Didn’t this work, bro?