Earn Online

Earn money by doing Micro Jobs Online

Everyone is willing to earn money online to buy something, or just to make some extra pocket money for spending on entertainment. But, earning online has never been easy. Out of hundreds of websites, most are scams and just don’t pay for your work or they pay something very less for the labor.

I too tried lots of ways to earn online, such as: Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, PTC, CPA etc, but none worked the best. After a lot of searching online, I’ve found few sites, which Pay you to do small/micro tasks/jobs. They pay according to the difficulty and time consumed in doing the task. I’ve made a list of such similar sites to help you people out. If you really want to make money online just join and work in all of these sites, besides the sites you work for earlier.

1. Amazon mTurk: In my view, it is the best site to earn some side income. As the campaigns are generally from US residents, they Pay quite good amount for each task. You’re paid upto $5 for a job. The jobs range from simple jobs of just Visiting a website to complex ones such as Transcribing an interview. If you’re planning to join it, just make sure that you’re from one of the accepted countries, otherwise you can only transfer your earnings to buy from amazon.com. It cannot be withdrawn.

2. Microworkers: This is a site similar to mTurk. But, with comparatively lesser jobs. They pay via Check, PayPal and AlertPay. The minimum amount you can deposit or withdraw is $10.

3. JoyBoy: It doesn’t have so many offers/jobs, but still it is making its name out.

4. MicroLancers

5. MinuteWorkers: They also Pay you for posting in their forum besides normal jobs. You’re paid $0.01 for every valid forum post.

6. ShortTask: A mTurk lookalike with a large number of active workers and requesters.

7. MiniFreelance

8. ClickChores

9. E-Jobber

If you wish to share your experience with these sites, or have another site which should be listed here, the section below is for you 🙂

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