Windows 10 is the next version of Windows Operating System after Windows 8.1 which aims to bring a lot of desktop functionality back to the hands of users using a mouse and keyboard with their Windows PCs. However, it will not suite everyone (at this stage) due to hardware compatibility issues or just a matter of choice. Follow this guide if you want to remove Windows 10 from your dual-boot configuration and switch back to Windows 8.1
Uninstall Windows 10 Entirely from Dual-Boot
I removed Windows 10 from my system just because I decided to switch to Windows 10 entirely and hence upgrade Windows 8.1 to 10 instead of keeping a dual-boot and giving precious hard drive storage to both the OSes. Here’s how I achieved that:
a.) Removing Windows 10 from Boot Sequence
- Boot into Windows 8.1
- On the Start Screen, type msconfig.exe and hit enter
- On the Boot tab, highlight Windows Technical Preview or Windows 10
Windows Boot Configuration - Click on Delete
- That’s it. Press OK to close System Configuration window.
b.) Removing Windows 10 Partition and Files
Do backup any important files that you have within your Windows 10 install (Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Other folders within the partition; etc) before proceeding as your data will be permanently lost.
- Open Disk Manager by typing diskmgmt.msc on Start and hitting enter.
- Right click on the drive/partition to which you installed Windows 10. It’s recommended to check the drive letter once again via the Windows Explorer.
Disk Management - Choose Delete volume.
Alternatively, you can also choose to only Format or individually delete the Windows 10 directories via the Windows Explorer. - Create a new partition over the free space that is generated and you’re good to go.
Thanks very much.i installed windows 10 on my pc but when i was opening it was showing choose an operating system but i followed these steps and deleted my old window,s 7
thanks bro it really works you saved me thank you so much
I did as you say, and windows 10 dissappeared at the start menu, but when I try to delete or format the partition, I get error message:
“windows cannot delete the active system partition on this disk.”
Though I have windows 7 in use.
Under disk mgt I have 3 lines
Line 1 shows the the picture of a drive in the volume column with no name,under file system it is blank,status is healthy(recovery partion)under capacity 15 gb
Line 2 shows “system reserved” in the volumn column,file system NTFS,under status healthy 100mb
Line 3 shows Windows(C),ntfs,healthy 581gb
The reason I am trying to uninstall win 10 is because Edge did not install,Search function does work ,Start function and clicking on the windows symbol in the far lower left does not work.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Let’s get to that later, but do try THIS. Your reason for reverting back to 8.1 might just end.
Thank you so much. You solved my big problem.
For better understanding:
1. Go to windows screen and press right button
2. On the Start Screen, press search and type msconfig.exe and hit enter
critical process died will not let me go load windows 10 was working just fine 1 week than shut down and have not been able to load win 10 will not get passed start up just blue screen can not see nothing where did everything go?
thanx man It worked
hey guys does this work
Thank you!
Hello there, thanks for the guide. Is it transferable, if I want to uninstall Win 8.1 in the future, to only keep my then final Windows 10 Version on the HDD? Would be interesting to know, since allegedly those Insider Previews will get updated to full versions without any further install need. Thanks in advance and bye! 🙂
Yes. That should be possible. Just do the steps inside Windows 10 and 8.1 will be gone 🙂
Hey man,
I have 8.1 and 10 prev. installed on separate HDDs but in a dualboot sequence. Is it possible to simply remove 10 from the boot list and still boot into it through the BIOS?
Thanks ~Brendan
thumbs up
Can i do this in win xp…. Bcoz i have multiboot win 10 and xp and i reallllly want to unistall windows 10.. Pls tell…. 😉
Surely. The process would generally be the same. You can go ahead and try 🙂 You’ll need a XP installer disk though.
Thank you..
By the way, i cannot delete the volume where i installed the deleted windows 10 os. Any alternative idea how to delete the volume and free up that space?
But.. Does it show any warning or error? It shouldn’t be a problem :/
Try the Ease US partition =D Then look for tutorials ! in youtube =D
Thank you..
hello dude i can’t delete the windows tech privew as you mentioned in step 1 🙁
Did you boot into Windows 8 while doing that? Any error message? :/
the windows Icon ! on your Keyboard then HOld it ! then Press R
“Windows Icon” (Hold IT ) + R