
Opera Mini/Mobile will make way to Windows Phone, if the SDK supports it

Almost everyone of us must have used Opera Browser in their Mobile or Smartphone and I know, we all love that great browser which innovated the browsing in mobile. Opera Mini was the first browser to offer compression and superior display of the web pages optimized for mobile phones.
For those of us who are using Windows Phone there’s some good news, recently had the opportunity to contact Vadim Makeev, web evangelist for the team of Russian Opera browser. Among other things, they asked him about the support for Windows Phone. The response he received was:

Unfortunately, we do not comment on timing. I can say one thing, as soon as the ability to release Opera Mobile/Mini for Windows Phone (SDK in this case) is available, we will immediately do it. That is a full SDK for developing in C, for which we could use an existing generic code written for all platforms. Not with the current SDK for the Windows Phone platform. As soon as it appears, we are porting Opera Mobile/Mini.

There are strong chances that we’ll be seeing Opera Mini and Mobile being ported to Windows Phone. Even though Internet Explorer 10 on Windows Phone offers a nice experience, I’m sure Opera Mini/Mobile will be welcomed by all the users. Who doesn’t loves Variety?

Would you like to replace Internet Explorer 10 on your Windows Phone with the Opera? You’re always welcomed to submit your views and opinions.


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