Nokia X series is expected to hit a huge sales number as its firstly the first Nokia phone running the Android OS and secondly it is an entry level device projected at a price point where there’s nothing to stop it from making some sales records. Root access is the very first thing you need to install custom launchers (advanced), uninstall system apps or even run a completely different ROM on your phone.
Update: The previous method of using FramaRoot no longer works. So I have updated the guide below to make it stay current and now any Nokia X series device, whether updated (to 11.1.1. or or not can be rooted by following the steps below.
Steps to Root Nokia X, X+ and XL
As Nokia X, X+ and XL run the same AOSP based firmware, the steps to root each of them is the same. Thanks to the XDA community for employing their valuable time and effort in developing the tools.
- Nokia X Manager. Download here
- USB Data Cable
- Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or higher, 32-bit or 64-bit
- .NET Framework 4
- Enable Debugging on your Nokia X Device by going to Settings> Developer Options and Checking the box in front of USB Debugging.
- Install the Nokia X Manager.
- Connect your Nokia X/XL to the PC using a USB Cable (Bluetooth Connection won’t work)
- Run the Nokia X Toolkit.
Nokia X Manager - Make sure your Nokia X is detected by the Nokia X Manager.
- Click on Root Device.
- In the Team Win Recovery, select Install and locate the SuperSU zip file. It will be in the Internal SD card.
- Reboot the phone after SuperSU is flashed successfully.
- That’s it. Your Nokia X/XL is rooted now.
The Nokia X Manager also supports installation of Google Play and other Google Apps. So if you want to install play store on your Nokia X after rooting, you can use the Toolkit to do the same 🙂 Leave your feedback in the section below.
My phone nokia xl is support 3G service… I have 4G service available in my phone sir pls help
this did not work
divice is not connected tell me the reason
I could not find SuperSU zip file after clicking on the install option. There is a folder named SuperSU in system storage but no zip file. Now, what can I do bro…????
when i try to install adb it shows some shitty dialog box
I did all the steps..even updated drives..nd all..evrything..but still not please
Thanks pavan bhai …..
Aap ke instruction bahot kam me aaye
what to do if nokia x manager can not find the devic affter doing all the things which you told
my nokia xl didnot root if click at root botton on nokia x manager my phone. restart but it only show Nokia logo
mine cannot detect it
Did you check that the drivers are correctly installed? 🙂
my nokia XL is nOt connectted to the nokia X manger else I m installed nokia XL drivers sucessfully
i tried to root nokia x using nokia x manager but it cannont detect my device. how can i root it?
Make sure that the ADB drivers are installed successfully. Should be easy if you check Device Manager.
if I root my device . is my phone factory data reset ?
that depends if you choose to wipe it or keep it…..
simply rooting wont affect the data , but upon installing rom and creating partitions the data can be lost.
Simply throw nokia xl in garbage
My Nokia XL is been connected to Nokia X manage.
But how to do flash and Super SU during rooting..please guide.
It is showing 6 option during rooting…..what to do??
nokia x manager is not detecting my phone.
Plz help me. Mere Nokia RM 980 boot dead & not on device. Air vaibrate b ni kr rha. Power key hold krne se. Plz my help. I’m so said
Hi, My Nokia xl cannot be detected it keep on showing waiting for the device please need help
Check Device Manager that drivers are installed for the device.
nokia xl is not detected by nokia x manager. it just always show “waiting for device”. can anybody help me plzzz….
Make sure that you have the ADB and Nokia drivers installed.
Please tell me if i updated to 2.1 Can i run the playstore
Dear my nokia xl mobile is not connecting to nokia x manager….plzzz help me
still waiting to connect device 🙁
How to root Nokia XL dual SIM without computer?
You cannot without a computer.
My nokia xl is not being detected on nokia z manager. ..
Use nokia x usb driver.
Oh! Cannot find USB Drivers for my Nokia XPlus. My Computer is Windows8 64bit.
Plz Link for USB Driver.
How to root and how to install Google Play store and other Gapps.
Plz help MY PHONE IS NOKIA XPLUS updated version
plz help anyone.
plz reply..
hi when I connect my Nokia xl with Nokia x manager it is no detecting my device it is always shows weating for device…
plz help
Mere pass nokia x he hor main kuch din pahle isme lollipop version dal diya tha mera thik se kam nahi kar raha plz mujhe batao ki phle wala version kase dalega
Use NCS to flash the stock firmware.
link for Nokia X Plus driver for PC
No spelling mistake. My phone is Nokia X Plus.
Hi Narender. My phone is Nokia X , How about my phone model. how to root and install Google play store. plz help.
My device is not detected by nokia x manager..what should I do? Pls help me…
Check if Drivers are installed properly 🙂
Hi. I am from Manipur. My phone is Nokia X Plus. And updated version. I want to install Play Store. Nokia X Manager cannot detect my phone. Plz Help me….
Pls help me frds nokia x manager is no detecting my nokia xl after updating in
How we take screen short on nokia x201
How we take screen short on nokia X2-01
doesn’t work for Nokia Xl
Please help
Respected sir
My nokia xl model no rm1030 and version I want to root from nokia x manager .when I connect with usb rhen my device not show plz help me
Hai first you install Nokia connectivity cable
driver in your PC.
same problem here if you get solutions plezzz share how to root nokia xl .All sofware failed to root and apps also??? plzz some one help…
I tried many ways to root my nokia XL…but none of the methods works….now also im trying………nokia Xl driver is not working properly
my phone is not been detected after being switching on developers mode
See Guys, Rooting actually means obtaining the “SUPER USER” Rights or SU ,by doing so you are solely responsible for your rooted*(mentioned above) mobile or the warranty from your mobile’s brand becomes null and void.Using this you can do anything with your mobile you want like changing factory – set fonts of your mobile changing the name of the company which appears after switching on the handset and so on possible if you excel in the field of becoming a developer but the most toughest mobile to root is obviously the “Apple Iphone” series .SU or Super User can be downloaded from any smartphone stores like yandex,1mobile,slidemarket,playstore and so on.
Contact – [email protected]
AFAIK, Windows would be the toughest to root 🙂
My device is not detect in nokia x manager.
What should I do please help
HEy i’ve installed nokiax manager but it can not detect my phone , what should i do????
Hey did u have rooted plz help me if u 9719833761 cntc me
Install drivers first
From where can i flash the SU file, i have located the SU file but don’t know how to flash it, help needed
My nokia x is not showing in device manager. When I connect my phone it justs keeps on charging
Bro please help me my device is not detected!!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁
what can I do now !!!!! :/
You’ve installed the ADB drivers? Check Device Manager if the Nokia X has an exclamation mark before its name.
Please I need help… is this the easiest mean.. im not good witg computers
Hi narender….
I have nokia x updated to v.… I want to know would i be able to root my phone with the method shown above….
my nokia xl is not connecting with my pc having windows 7 due to this i was unable to root my phone, PLEASE REPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
Unfortunately I clicked the install insecure kernel version button and my home button can not work and if the phone locked the screen can not show screen saver. Help me to get back my phone as before
Use the Recovery Tool or Care Suite to return to the stock firmware.
Hey Narender is there any solution for my nokia xl plz reply
Hey narender, why it cant detect my phone ? I’ve just finished updating its adb drivers and my phone is still connected to my pc
hello narender!
Im unable to detect my device in the x manager ,even of turning on the usb deugging option …could you please help me out??
my device is nokia xl
You have the drivers installed? Can you check Device Manager please?
how to check it??
I have a nokia xl few days ago I restored my phn nd now its back key hangs sometyms nd then works aautomatically wt I do. now……..
Hey in nokia x manager it is not detecting my device it says waiting for device please help fast?
I hv Nokia xl. Bt I totally upset with this phone..
Its not support Google play store or Google+ or Google play service .. for Android app or game..
Even here app (map ) will not work ..
Plz help me to how to install google play store in nokia xl … in simle way… not by root the phone…
Its too complicated to root phone hv risk if do wrong….
Plz send solution on my email or send whatever procedures is for on hike **removed** step by step…
Won’t be possible at all without root. Your number is removed from the comment to avoid possible spam calls.
nokia x manager is not detecting my nokia xl as driver RM 1030 FAILS TO INSTALL.I TRIED IT FROM DEVICE MANAGER TO UPDATE BUT IT DOESNT
can any sol of low internal storage of nokia xplus without root
My os version is
Which driver and from where I can download them ???
which driver and which device manager you are telling to check ?? please tell me in detail.
The Windows device manager – devmgmt.msc
i have also updated my device . what should i do ??
my laptop is not detecting any device it only shows searching device .
Have you installed the drivers? Check Device Manager while your Nokia is plugged in.
I need to change nokia xl to windows..?
That’s not possible, buddy. Strange that some Windows users want to install Android and some Android users want to install Windows. Why not decide before buying?
Believed half windows nd half android
my phone nokia 525 to android phone data transfer setp
You can send most of your files using Bluetooth.
hey bro narenda im using nokia xl bt since i hve alredy updated it…it was ny posible to root by using framaroot xoo is thr any app to root nokia xl wthout cmputer….
Nokia Lumia 525 android os install setp by step
One step – Not possible
Sir,how to make an external sd card as an internal memory in my nokia xl. I need it badly
Won’t be possible on the Android version that it runs. However, with root access, you’d be able to move a big part of the apps to your SD card.
you should root with nokia x manager and then install ‘titanium backup’ or link2sd to move app on the internal memory to sd card easily
I’ve installed the manager, connected my phone via USB but it doesn’t seem to recognise my phone.
up the top it loads and says ‘waiting for device..’
don’t know what to do.
theyr must be a way easier to get rooting my phone huh
I’m afraid. X Manager is basically the easiest of the available options. Maybe you should try installing the drivers again?
Same problem I’ve got, as the phone isn’t recognised, so how do we get the drivers for NokiaX rm980?
Bro, I followed every steps yet I found myself stuck in after booting.
Can you help me?
You’d be needed to recover your phone using the Nokia Software Recovery tool 🙁
can you tell me how to install Google Play Store after i update my Nokia x2 to v2.1.0.11
No proper workaround is available yet 🙁
Thanks for your help nerender.
It seems simple but the thing is i have no idea about all of this. Like stock ROM and tge Nokia Care Suite.
Having these installed will be a safe net you say?
Im a total dummy at this. Do you think i should go ahead with the instructions up top?
If incase something wrong does happen, by installing the stock ROM and Nokia Care Suite will i be able to fix anything that does happen?
Sorry im such an ameture
Hey Narender,
Iv just bought my x plus from india.
First thing i did was update.
Does this mean i will never be able to root?
By updating will i never have the opportunity to get google store and the such or with your method above secure me and avoid the bug fixes Nokia put in place?
Hello Kim
The Nokia X Manager mentioned in the post is capable of rooting updated Nokia X phones, but still because I haven’t tried it with Nokia X+, I’d recommend you to first download the stock ROM and Nokia Care Suite and keep em handy in case the X Manager does something wrong and bricks your phone.
Good Luck!
Hi Narender I used Nokia X manager it did recognised and installed TWR and asked me to mount and install SuperSU but after mounting I did not find SuperSU I unmounted and recovered the phone then I found SuperSU and it got installed but evn though it grants permission to movetosd app nothing happens, is my phone rooted???
SuperSU Installer: An error accurred while downloading SuperSU Please try again Later?
is this method works on nokia xl v1.2.3.1 ???
I’m unsure. How about trying? 🙂
please how do I check device manager?
Start> Type devmgmt.msc> Enter. Device Manager will open up 🙂
where exactly is the device manager?….I don’t know where to find it’!
It is where all the hardware devices connected to the PC are listed. Devices which are not recognized or don’t have a proper driver are marked with an exclamation mark.
hi , i have Nokia X v, i installed Nokia x manager, it doesn’t detect my device, have enable USB debugging but nothing , could anyone help me plse
Check in the Device Manager. Do you see your phone with a Yellow exclamation mark? If yes, download and install the drivers manually.
Hey narendra. I just got a flash msg on my Nokia.X from mobile market stating that whatsapp,now,works on Nokia X. Can u have a look on thr.same and guide us further
Yes it does. Haven’t you checked the post about WhatsApp? Here’s it!
Hi again,
I have a rooted Nokia XL phone and I am unable to update it to v Although I have downloaded it and tried installing it. It shows the same version i.e. and says your system is up-to-date. And I am still unable to see the newly added features like multitasking. Brother, can you please help me out?
Possibly a case of failed update. You would be needed to flash it with the latest firmware images using the Nokia Care Suite.
Bro iam using x 1 .2.4.3 . 🙁 showing error#7 . I need help
i cannot able to connect nokia xl to nokia x manager. plz help me to connect me
I hv downloaded Nokia x manager but it is not detecting the device
Have you enabled USB Debugging?
i cant download nokia x manager from link?
nokia x manager is not detecting my device i have enabled the debugging still no detection of device plz help
Check in the Device Manager. Is Nokia X showing up without any error?
can any one give me the usb driver for nokia xl v1.2.3.1.
Nokia X Manager includes them already, AFAIK.
Hey narendra can u tell me whn teamwinrecovery appear what to choose first mount or dirext install and if mount thn do we check system partion ?? N do we uncheck intrnal storage ….
If the direct install works, do that. Else mount the system & the internal storage and then install.
hey….Nokia x manager is a great app as I have read some reviews…but it is not detecting my device…..I m using Nokia XL….plz tell what to do
Do you have the Nokia X Drivers installed? Do you have debugging enabled?
Check in the Device Manager. Does your XL show up with an exclamation mark?
Error try another xploit
I have nokia x n its has been updated .. and when I install the latest version whts app it show nt supported and the older one doent support too .. so im un able to have access to whts app through my phone ..what can I do for whts app .. plz tell.. 🙁
Install WhatsApp Plus from here.
HI Narendra..iv successfully rooted my Nokia xl using the X manager..How now do I install google play? Please help..
how did u do that can u help me plz
Em using x 11.1.1 ver….I have rooted my x11.1.1 By root explorer after rebooting everytime I get popups GOOGLE PLAY SERVICE STOPPED so can u tell me how to change permissions in root explorer by selecting the app options and permission what to checkmerk here for gapps I have done this through kashamalaga plz reply….
Dear Narendra singh, also advise when did u updated the proper steps and which one , is it the below correct
Yes. They seem to work for now 🙂
from where to get Nokia X Manager
The link was included. Still, here.
I am using nokia xl
Failed:-(…Try another exploit if available (Error #7)
plzzzzzz help me to get rid of this.
Mohan, I have updated the post with proper steps to be followed with updated devices. Please try that 🙂
useless………….. failedddddddddddd
Can you try now? The method is updated 🙂
hey bro when i install framaroot root Error#7 occurred ‘
how can install play store in nokia xl
So how do I update whatsapp on nokia x ?
Failed:-(…Try another exploit if available (Error #7)
and i have not updated my phone
My phone Nokia X RM-980 it can install Framaroot, but it can open have word Failed 🙁 …Try another exploit if available ( Error #7).
unable to root Error#7
It will not work if you have updated the phone.
Eveytime I root the Nokia X it alwayz show “error #7,try another exploit” on the SuperSu. Does it means it can’t be rooted cos I’ve tried a lot about it. Waiting for ur response
Nokia fixed the vulnerability in the first update that they issued to the X. You need to look for alternate means which may require a PC.
If I root my phone with flamaroot then I updated the phone, will the root vanished?
Reports say that it stays Rooted, but some also report issues with the phone’s normal functionality after updating a rooted phone.
Fialed 🙁 Error#7
Have you updated your phone? This doesn’t seem to work after update.
it is showing result error#7
If you have updated your phone’s firmware, this method no longer works.
I have updated my Nokia x to but while connection it to pc drivers are nt install showing there n my usb degging bug is on n i have download nokia x usb drivers then also itsnt wrking please hel me mr narender
How about checking the Device Manager and installing the device drivers there?