This post is for those who are facing problem downloading Apps from Google Play using the older Google Chrome workaround. Folks at codeimba have created this amazing small tool called Real APK Leecher which allows you to download any Android application from Google Play directly on your PC. All you need is the account details of the Google Account connected to your phone.
Update: Just checked it today (5th October) and it works fine 🙂
How to download APK files using Real APK Leecher
- Download Real APK Leecher from here (updated to version 1.3.6)
- Extract the zipped archive to a new folder.
- Now browse to the folder and run Real APK Leecher.exe
- On the first screen, you need to fill out your Google Account and other details. Be sure to use the account connected with an Android Phone. To find out your Device ID, you need to install the Device ID app on your phone which can be downloaded from Play Store or directly from this link. Also select your county to make sure apps only available only to that country are also listed.
Click on save when you’ve filled all the fields.Real APK Leecher setup - The program will now open. Just type in the search bar at the top right to search for the application/game which you want to download.
- Select your required app from the list of apps found and then right-click to open the context menu with options.
Search for your Required App - Select Download this app and just wait for the download to finish. The APK file for the app will be saved to your default downloads folder.
Downloading Application - Now you can do whatever you want to do with it. Send it to your phone to install.
Please note that only free Apps/Games can be downloaded using this Leeching tool. Other than the free apps, an application which you’ve already purchased can also be downloaded.
Did this guide work for you? Please use the comments section below to tell us about your experience.
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Hi in 1.3.6 version when I`m trying to find an APK I get the next error:
cannot load the list of apps:http code 404 :
any ideas?
It’s been a pretty old application and I believe that the devs have abandoned it. You should try some alternates, one is using this Online APK Downloader
I have the same problem with “login failed! Please check your e-mail or password in settings”. I have correctly entered my google account , password and Device ID.
This is a very old tool and I’d advice not using it. Instead try THIS online tool.
I have downloaded and installed Real APK leecher 1.3.6. on my PC. I have correctly entered my google account , password and Device ID.
But “login failed! Please check your e-mail or password in settings” message is displayed. I tried that several times. but couldn’t connect. What should I do?
it kept telling me my account or password was wrong
The No i have to put in It is a tablet a samsung Note ok what no do I put in the model no the Build no Baseband no or the Kernel No
thanks vry much 😉
For those with error
1)“Cannot load the list of apps. Please check your internet connection”
still aftr u hv checked ur device id ,email id nd password
(Solution By LouisXIV-XXVII)
1. Click ‘Start’ button
2. Then Control Panel
3. If it is in Category View, swich to Classic View.
4. Scroll down till you find ‘Windows Firewall’ and click it.
5. Until a window pop up, then click ‘Exceptions Tab’.
6. Under ‘Programs and Services’, if you can’t see the Real APK Lecheer, click ‘Add Program’ below it.
7. If you can’t see it on the list, click ‘Browse’, then find the program on where you have placed it. 🙂
8. After that, click ‘OK’… then Finished!!
2)”some error occurred! close and try again!”
U hv to LEFT click on the app to select
an den right click it to download
Sorry I forgot to choose default saving folder, Now its OK. Thanks a lot, awesome. downloading unlimited apps on my pc.
Good that you found it 🙂 Enjoy!
Thanks. Its working. Downloaded many apps but cant locate my files in my default downloads. Any help?
Response code= 400, msg= Bad Request
To obtain a device ID, type *#*#8255#*#*
Look under your email account,
Device ID:android-………….
I updated to version 1.3.6, and I am now getting this error. It still logs in successfully, but “cannot load the list of java.lang.RuntimeException: Response code= 400, msg= Bad Request”. I am updated to the latest version of Java, and I run as an administrator. I made this video to show the error:
This is really great thank you man.You r the great person in the world.
Hehe.. Thanks for the comment, buddy. Nice name btw 😛
Everything works to the point of the actual download of the APK. It states Bad ID or connection. I checked everything…
It seriously seems working 🙁 Check your ID yet again and make sure you use the same google account as linked with your phone.
Hi Admin can you fix this issue for me Pl .. I found error as “= cannot load the list of java.lang.RuntimeException: Response code= 400, msg= Bad Request” I found this after Searching App in Real APK Leecher v1.3.6 , not sure what could be the problem!!!
Are you sure you’re running the latest version of Java? Run the app as Admin.
I get the “Cannot load the list of apps. Please check your internet connection.” error message also. I have disabled my firewall and antivirus programs. I tried running as administrator. I even allowed it to run through Windows firewall in Windows 7. I notice on the bottom of the window a message saying “Logged in successfully! But, I still receive the same error message.
Alright.. I’ll try running the app today and see if it really does not work.
Did you notice any problems with your latest attempt? It still doesn’t work for me. 🙁
Sorry for the delayed reply. Okay just tested it today. I successfully logged in, it listed the apps, but couldn’t download. These was some error with that version.
So try this new version now. I’ve updated the blog post with the new link. Its 1.3.6 now. Tried it and it downloaded fine. Make sure to run as admin.
I just downloaded and tried. Nothing but login failed messages. Too bad. In the changelog file it mentions a sample config file to use. But it was not in the download. Would have liked to be able to try that as an option. I am using the device id as shown by the device id app. Darn!
Login Fail sure? Please check your login credentials and make sure you are using the primary gmail/google account associated with your phone. Don’t go with the sample config file. It does not work anymore.
Rest aside, it works fine for me. Also check that you’ve selected your present county from the list in options.
Please ignore my last response. Me bad. Bad password. Seems to work well. Sorry and thanks!
Cool 🙂 No problems. Enjoy brother 😀
The program says: Cannot the list of apps. Please check the internet connections…..while i can load pages, stream youtube and……what does this mean
Hi, I’ve tried everything that I could. I’m not a hugie techie (yet. I possibly want to work with computers when I grow up) and I’m having a hard time. The Errors I get are:
– Error while connecting to server
– Cannot load the list of apps. Please check your internet connection
I’ve read what you’re supposed to do:
– Make sure your device id is correct – Done (Yes it has 16, I checked on an online counter)
– Check your internet connection – I need a step-by-step guide of how to do that as I’m not sure where to do this/how to do this
– Check your antivirus firewall – I also need a step-by-step guide for this part (I’m not sure if this helps, but I have Norton Antivirus)
Thanks in advance!
First thing that you should try is Right Click> Run as Admin. Let’s see if that helped 🙂
I’ve terribly posted it without polishing. So, excuse the mistakes! 😀
Not a problem as long as it helps. Anyways, its already quite polished 😉
Downloaded fine, instructions are great BUT – when i fire up software…”Error while connecting to server”! I ignore this and carry on searching and apps display fine, when I right click to download an app though, it says “Some error occured! Close and try again!”
Any ideas as to why that is!?
Here’s an idea for you all for face such problem. 😉
1. Click ‘Start’ button
2. Then Control Panel
3. If it is in Category View, swich to Classic View.
4. Scroll down till you find ‘Windows Firewall’ and click it.
5. Until a window pop up, then click ‘Exceptions Tab’.
6. Under ‘Programs and Services’, if you can’t see the Real APK Lecheer, click ‘Add Program’ below it.
7. If you can’t see it on the list, click ‘Browse’, then find the program on where you have placed it. 🙂
8. After that, click ‘OK’… then Finished!!
Enjoy Bros! 🙂 And thank you for this program, by the way!
Awesome.. Yeah firewall might block it sometimes if its set to Aggressive mode. For me, it needed no changes. Thanks for this, Louis 😛
“Error while connecting to server.” Yes I’ve checked everything, deviced id, java, etc. It’s a bum app and it pisses me off.
Well if you are talking about the initial error which shows up just when you open the app, ignore it as it is because it can’t connect to the update server.
Click OK and continue the search for the app you need. If your connection is fine, it will download normally.
sorry… m able to connect but says bad unable to connect, bad device id or not free app. im trying to download real football 2013
im getting unable to connect to servere error 🙁
after the download finishes, it starts a negative countdown…then this countdown gets stuck – at say -59% and i have to X out of the download…while it is doing this negative backwards countdown, it still says downloading
running win8
Just tried it on Win 8 x86 machine and it downloads fine.
I’m just wondering if this application work on paid app ? … or only for free application ? …
Only free apps. You need to have purchased a paid app and only then it could be downloaded.
When I right click on app to download it a message prompts: –”Some error occured!Close and try again!”
plz help
No idea brother. Maybe the app isn’t available for your phone? Have you tried downloading another?
When I do right click on app to download it gives me an error message like –“Some error occured!Clode and try again!”
I have network connection and all required set up.But I am using a device id of Android Emulator.May be there will be some problem.Please help…
Yeah that could be the cause. So try using the Device ID of your phone instead.
I tried and checked email @ device id many times, but it says ‘error while while connecting to server”. I am using windows 7 32 bit in dell inspiron. pl. solve the problem.
It might say on the initial page because it searches for updates from a server which isn’t available anymore.
All you need to do is to click Ok and then enter the name of the app which you want to download in the search box. It should function normally thereafter.
Hey mate,can you tell me what to do ? My xperia miro cant see the apps I downloaded after i pasted them to internal storage/games ?
I’m seeing this type of problems happening a lot with Sony owners. Can you try using ES File Explorer File Manager if that helps in locating the copied apps.
Also make sure that you’ve enabled installing of apps form Unknown Sources.
Thanks man the es file exlplorer file manager did the job <3
You’re always welcome 🙂
Well, I am looking for this, sometimes I need to download andoid apps on my PC.
OK… I am not a developer… but I thought this would be great to have because I do not have a data plan, I could download the apps to my pc and then to phone via usb or sd card…
But… when I attempt to run the exe.. I get message about needing Java runtime environment 1.5.0…
I am running Windows 7, 64 bit on a Lenovo 510…
That’s the main idea behind downloading apps on a PC. Many of use don’t have a data plan on their phones or else use a slow 2G connection which takes ages to download.
About the issue, the program has been coded using Java. So to use it, you just need to have JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed on your Laptop. You can download it from the following link:
[…] Update 2: If the method in this post don’t work, try the other way found here […]
Ive tried for many different apps, gives an error :
“Cannot load the list of apps. Please check your internet connection”… really? my connection is fine.
Are you sure that you’re using the correct Device ID for your phone? Seems there’s something which you’re doing wrongly.
Device ID should be 16 digits long (won’t include any other text) and you need to use the same Google account details as added on your phone.
same here! i did everything EXACTLY like what stated above. I get the same message!!
“Cannot load the list of apps. Please check your internet connection”… really? my connection is fine.???
my internet speed and connection are fine.Help pls
The connection, the firewall and then your Google Play login and your Device ID. If all these are okay, I don’t think there’s any scope of its not functioning.