Late at night or stepping out, but forced to wait because there’s an ongoing download on your PC? That’s why a lot of Download Managers come with an option to do an automatic shut-down when all downloads are finished. This frees the user from the hassle of waiting for the download to complete and then manually shut-down the PC. It also helps save power as the PC is not left running unnecessarily doing nothing.
Firefox, being a web browser, does not come with such a functionality. But thanks to the awesome development community, there are a bunch of add-ons that can shut down PC when all ongoing downloads within Firefox are completed. Here we will make use of Auto Shutdown NG to achieve our objective.
Auto Shutdown NG for Firefox
Auto Shutdown NG is a nice Add-on for Firefox which executes commands when all downloads are finished (excluding the ones cancelled or paused). It can be configured to execute logoff, sleep, shutdown, restart, hibernate or something custom (user defined). The Add-on is compatible with Windows as well as Linux versions of Firefox.

Auto Shutdown NG does not require a browser restart to install. Upon installation, a power icon will be added to the Firefox toolbar. First press on the icon will let you access preferences and set the command to run when the downloads finish. To access the preferences again, go to Add-ons> Auto Shutdown NG> Preferences.
Auto Shutdown NG is also capable of integrating with DownThemAll!, a wonderful full-fledged download manager built to run within Firefox. If you use it, remember to set ‘Close DownThemAll when all downloads are complete’ in the options to improve the reliability and compatibility with Auto Shutdown NG.
The default timeout for the notification before PC shutdowns is 30 seconds (can be changed in preferences). You can press Cancel anytime before the timer runs out to stop PC from shutting down.

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