
Update OnePlus 2 to Official OxygenOS 3.0.2 (Marshmallow)

OnePlus 2 users had a long wait and it’s time to enjoy the Marshmallow treat. After 2 community (beta) builds, OnePlus has started the rollout of official (non-beta) OxygenOS 3.0.2 builds to OnePlus 2 users in the wild. The update packs Android Marshmallow (6.0.1) and some much-needed system performance improvements.

The update will be released in a phased manner and it may take up to 48 hours for users to start receiving it globally. However if you’re the one who can’t wait, download the appropriate version from the links provided below and follow the instructions.

If you’ve disabled Google services on your current device, please re-enable before upgrading via OTA. If Google services is disabled, you may experience system boot issues after installation.

OnePlus 2 OxygenOS 3.0.2 Changelog

OnePlus 2 posted the following changelog at the forums:

  • Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow upgrade
  • Enhanced Doze mode for better battery life
  • System wide performance improvements
  • Improved fingerprint sensor performance and recognition
  • New OnePlus Camera UI and AF optimization
  • MaxxAudio and Tuner have been removed. We have integrated with Dirac HD Sound technology for the speaker so you get a great experience without the knobs and dials
  • Shelf UX has been improved. You can now long press to edit a board
  • You can now lock apps in recents so they won’t be cleared away. We’ve also added clear process in addition to clear-all for those of you who want a better control of background processes
  • Network operator selection will now stick to your choice so you don’t accidentally roam onto unintended networks
  • Swiftkey update to 6.3.3

Manually Update OnePlus 2 to Marshmallow

If you can’t wait for the OTA update to hit your device or you’re unable to install it for some reason, you can consider installing the update manually.


  • Follow these steps only if you’re on stock ROM and unrooted. Rooted users look elsewhere for instructions.
  • If you have encryption enabled, please flash the update package using ADB sideload.
  • If you’ve disabled Google services on your current device, please re-enable before upgrading via OTA. If Google services is disabled, you may experience system boot issues after installation.
  1. Download the update package appropriate for your current OxygenOS version. Check your current version in Settings> About phone.
    3.0.1 beta -> 3.0.2 stable – Download Here (141 MB)
    3.0 beta -> 3.0.2 stable – Download Here (357 MB)
    2.2.1 stable -> 3.0.2 stable – Download Here (1.1 GB)
    Or you can decide to download the full 3.0.2 stable ROM from here.
  2. Copy the downloaded zip file to the storage of your OnePlus 2.
  3. Boot into recovery mode – Shut down the device and then press and hold power & volume down buttons together.
  4. Select Install from Local and choose the update package.
  5. Wait for installation to finish. Depending on your current OOS version, installation may take up to 10 minutes.

Facing issues? Let us try to help you by replying the comments below.
Successfully updated? Tell us about your upgrade and initial marshmallow experience.

Thanks to Naman Bhalla at OnePlus Forums for the download links 🙂

Getting Around Some Issues

Ringtone Not Working

While there is no proper solution available, do try the following:

  1. Push notification slider to “silent”.
  2. Push notification slider to “all notifications”


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  • Hi,

    I have never upgraded the version or the OS before, is it safe to follow the steps defined here? Will i lose any data ? Shall I take a backup?

  • my oneplus x is not loading into recovery (twrp) installed after updating too marshmallow any one having solution?

  • I upgraded my oneplus two few months back. I didn’t face any problems except one, ie. My notification led doesn’t seem to be working after that. I really don’t know why. I tried everything but it doesn’t seem to get fixed. Any solutions?

  • Hey guys,

    So since i updated my OnePlus X to Marshmallow, I’ve had similar problems, certain apps like sound profile apps and Whatsapp no longer working like they are supposed to. My WhatsApp no longer let me download any kind of media and I was getting annoyed so I contacted Customer Care and got the solution.

    1) Back up all media or anything of importance on device
    2) Factory Reset phone
    3) Set up phone as new device (can restore from backed up Google account)
    4) Reinstall apps
    5) Upon setting up WhatsApp allow all permission pop up windows. The program should be working good as new now!

    Oh this solution works for any apps with the permission problem.

    • Yes, that’s cool, but the whole point of Over-the-air updates is that the device is not required to be flashed back to stock images and can be updated on the go. The issues like this actually ruin the seamless experience that OTA is supposed to provide.
      Thanks for sharing, though, Cheri. I’m sure this will help some other users of OnePlus 🙂

    • Hey buddy .. you got any solution? I am facing the same issue. My notifications lights are working parcely only red but not flashing after i receive msg or sms or calls.

  • Vibrate on touch has modified its pattern, and is really annoying to feel a double vibration per tap. Also, native app permission won’t open and there is no way to open previous OS version. Another thing I can’t seem to get is to make Google Now on tap work, without making a workaround from the buttons section in settings. I was rooted before upgrading OTA. Any help will be appreciated.

    Ps: my google now bar on multitasking disappeared months ago, even before the update.

  • With oxygen os 3.0.2, while having call, even though full network is available, it will display message as “cellular network is not available” and call will get disconnected..

  • Hi – My one plus two is running on oxygen 3.02 & Android 6.01 and am not able to find the call settings option to deactivate conditional call forwarding option. Can someone please suggest solution for fixing same ?

    • Move the alert slider to priority and then to silent after that bring back to normal.. your ring tone and vibration settings should be back.. I faced same issue and the above solution worked..

  • Hi,
    I update to oxygen 3.02 & Android 6.01. I am facing problem that whatsapp is not being displayed in ‘draw over other apps’. This has given rise to problem that contacts not being displayed.

    any solution to same please let me know.

    Thank you

  • I second Kishor, same and static problem. This is not an upgrade at all, what’s the point of me having to open the screen to check if there are notifications and only get them then and there?

  • I have tried to reinstall oxygen OS 3.0.2 twice, but still facing same issue. Apps are not getting synced, when mobile is in idle state with screen off. Like not getting any mails, whats messages, FB etc ………. Any suggestions to rectify this???

  • Guys after upgrading my phone to MM 6.0.1 my Oneplus two ringtone is not working since one month..i booted the phone like 6 to 7 times still it did not worked please suggest me some tips !

    • You should consider doing a full factory reset of the device and that should revert the issues.

  • I downloaded the oxygenos 3.0.2 after a 1.1 gb download, it stated verifying download and then dint install , now the screen says download now.
    It wants me to download 1.1 gb again and no guarantee it will install. cant waste internet data.

    Van someone help,.
    I searched file manager it shows a zipfile 1.09 gb but the name has dates 150919… which looks like a sept 15 file when i last updated firmware. I doubt this is the new file. Anyways this file is dated may16 last modified so guessing it cant be the one downloaded now.

    Please help

    • OOS 3.0.2 shouldn’t be last modified on May 16, unless it was automatically downloaded to your phone a long back and you only started to install it now.
      Find the MD5 of the file and see if it is 46b1fde116275d83d05c2dd89422069f. If it is, you can proceed to installing it via recovery. Otherwise, please download a fresh copy using your PC and flash that.

  • After update MM my op2 I’m facing a problem that while a incoming call my phone rings but there is no display of call I have to scroll down the notification bar than select the ongoing call to see who is calling

  • I upgraded to Marshmallow after 1 month of wait period, hoping that most of the issues would have resolved by then. Although overall performance is good, the critical functionality, which is ringtone isn’t working. I tried various hacks mentioned in this article, except for factory reset without any success.

  • Oneplus please fix the issue… Who needs this kind of phone….. Calling through phone is number one priority…stop looking at one plus 3 issues…… Look at oneplus 2 now

  • I hv one plus 2mobile. I got notification to install latest version of MM 3.0.2. After I install
    I got following bugs
    Ring tone not working
    No separate ringtone for both sim cards
    Not able to slide from 2 g to 3g. Even after I recharged with 3 g data plan. It’s working with 2g. It’s really frustrating. If these bugs not rectified fm manufacturer. I will suggest not to buy. One plus phones

  • After update to 3.0.2 in one plus 2 mobile. No separate ringtone for both dim cards. Ring tone some time does not ring. While other notifications are fine. Anybody have same problems.

  • Unable to change from 2g to 3g after update 3.0.2. One plus 2 mobile. Anybody can help plz. I hv 3g data net. Even than its working on 2g. I m unable to chNge it on 3g .

    • I face similar problem.. I need to manually change 2g and 3g otherwise it is not changing automatically. Any solution for this problem?

  • My slider is buggy… Some times i get notification sounds from all apps in priority mode.. Some times o i get no notification… How to fix it..

  • after the update of marshmallow , my whatsp dp is not visible to anybody even though the privacy setting is choosed to my contacts …..solution ???

  • I bought a used Oneplus 2 and the guy gave me the device after factory resetting it and now the device is asking for previous ID even after entering that ID ot returns back to the starting again he hasn’t enabled the OEM please help URGENT

    • Thanks Santosh, I was able to always edit the Ringtone from None to any tune i wanted, but stil l have problems.
      Does anyone have a work around please, I am on One Plus 2
      Andriod version – 6.0.1
      OxygenOS version – 3.0.2

      • Hey,

        Try rebooting the device twice. den push the notification slider down (All Notification). then follow below steps each time after u reboot ur device.

        1. settings…. sound & notification … increase the ring volume.
        2. settings … alert slider…priority settings… select messages and calls ‘from anyone’.

        It worked for me… hope it works for u as well.

  • Guys tried something to get my ringtone notifications are back, see if it helps.
    After MM update, though you set the alert slider to ” All Notification”, actual setting for messages and call was defaulted to “None” and was not allowed to edit.
    Switched to “Priority Settings” and allowed calls & messages from anyone ( as opposed to what’s priority 🙂 ).
    Switched back to ” All Notifications” and now call and message is editable and managed to set to “From Anyone”

    Working as of now without flash or factory reset !

    Give it try or post new workaround 🙂 or Buy One Plus 3 🙁

    • Thank you it worked for me, but its a temporary solution. I switched off my mobile and turned it on and faced same issue 🙁

        • Move the alert slider to priority and then to silent after that bring back to normal.. your ring tone and vibration settings should be back.. I faced same issue and the above solution worked..

    • Santosh, thank you man! I have been suffering for weeks without my ringtone working and your post made my ringer work! You are awesome!

  • After the MM update ringtone is there only for sim 1 calls, all sim 2 calls are in silent mode is there a way to fix this?! I checked the alert slider its all the way down and shows all notification but still no sound for sim2 incoming calls ….

    • After MM update on one plus 2, I lost incoming ring for both sim and most of other notifications like Alarm, whatsapp call etc. I tried to minimizing the alert slider and maximizing to max, changed all ringtones etc. But notifications / ring tones are not back up. Very much frustrated unless I’m doing something terribly wrong.

      Any one else faced similar issue, any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks.

  • Led notification not working after update… it works while I put my phone on charge .. msg led are not working….??

  • I can’t download ,share,calling,in my what’s app in my one plus two..draw application setting also not working…in my one plus 2 mobile..

  • Oh. . This Is one plus 2!

    No wonder. . . I am on one plus 1.. . Wrong forum.. Haha. Thanks for your reply Anyways.

  • Can someone give more details as to how to work around the no ringtone issue?
    1.)Push notification slider to “silent”.
    2.)Push notification slider to “all notifications”

    How do we do the above steps in details… thanks…. been missing a lot of calls lately….

    • On the left side of the phone, there’s a switch. Slide it all the way to put it to ‘Silent’. And slide it all the way down again to bring it back to ‘All Notifications’.

    • see if it helps…..
      After MM update, though you set the alert slider to ” All Notification”, actual setting for messages and call was defaulted to “None” and was not allowed to edit.
      Switched to “Priority Settings” and allowed calls & messages from anyone ( as opposed to what’s priority ? ).
      Switched back to ” All Notifications” and now call and message is editable and managed to set to “From Anyone”

      Working as of now without flash or factory reset !

      Give it try or post new workaround ? or Buy One Plus 3 ?

  • when i update and i checked the phone was reboot and stuck on +1 logo like forever. then i try to push power n down button but i cant access to install from SD. 1+2 stuck on logo only..any help u can advise.

  • I have no contacts. Battery is draining too fast. Phone is not charging. Discharge rate is faster than charge rate. Whatsapp notifications aren’t enabled. Something is seriously wrong after the update. Please help. Need a solution urgently. Traveling for more than a day, day after. Need the phone.

  • After update In my oneplus2 the sound is become oneside………..only right side speaker is working fine….and left speaker is not working correctly ………..
    any one else facing this problem…….

  • Few days ago I upgraded to 3.0.2, everything is good, but ring tone and vibration stopped when some calls me. Need help. I tried working on sounds and notifications too but does not work.

      • I tried Flashing the stock ROM via recovery mode. It didn’t work out. Please provide a solution to this.

        • Nice to know the workaround, Santosh. But since a different solution worked for different people, it’s better to recommend flashing the ROM. It usually works, provided you do a full clean install 😛

        • You can download it from the downloads section on the OnePlus website and then flash onto the phone via ADB or sideload from storage.

  • After update, I can no longer view files from my computer. The drive shows as empty. Before, simply unlocking the phone would cause the folder to populate, but now, nothing.

  • Guys.. Ringtone problem is a serious issue as we are missing out on important calls. Hope One+ is taking note if it and comes with a quick patch update soon.

  • Hi guys after the marshmallow uodate I am facing a problem notification lights are not working except for charging. Can anyone help?

  • After update phone ringer sound is absent.. Can’t access calls, how’s that the official update does this..
    Very bad review of oneplus 2

  • After the update…. ringtone problem….missing the imp calls….and battery starts to drain faster than previous….sound system is too low than previous….what is the reason to recover?

  • had the fingerprint sensor and ringtone not working right after the update.
    downloaded the full 3.0.2 stable ROM from above link, copied to storage, booted from recovery mode… and BOOOM! all resolved!! and didnt have to reset to factory default…

    fingerprint sensor took a couple attempts before accepting new fingerprints, and for some reason had to wait few hours for the custom notifications to work again – but so far so good….. phewww…..

    am glad its all resolved now, but for how long!!!!?????


    • Hopefully till the next update is out lol. I did a clean install and it’s working all perfectly for me 🙂

  • I think I have not “enabled Google Services ” before installation. Now my phone is stuck at OnePlus logo.
    What should I do now?

    • 1.)Push notification slider to “silent”.
      2.)Push notification slider to “all notifications”
      This is the only solution till next update… too suffering frnd….

  • Even I am also facing same problem, my call ringtone is not working I tried every thing but it is not working how can I solve this issue please suggest as early as possible.

  • After upgrade the mobile us silent mode.whatever ring tone is set it is nt working .how to solve this is sue.tred factory rest as well.but no use. any other way for revert back to old version of OS

    • From power button reboot device and at a same time slide to silent mode. Then after mobile is on state slide to all notifications. On my device op2 it worked fine. Hop it will work for you.

  • I had previously installed the beta version of marshmallow manually. Now the version 3.0.2 is available ota. I’m able to download it but unable to install it. I’m getting an error message saying there was a problem installing the update, try again later. Kindly help resolve

  • Itsnot working the system update is not so good .Not downloading WhatsApp images ,videos, and contact also not showing in WhatsApp .

    • How slove this problem plz tell me my what’s app is not working not downloading any images videos n not sharing any media not share any contact plzz help me

  • Sir phone is silent and moreover one main problem I am not able to call to anyone.. It is showing that conditional call forwarding enabled. F*ck this shit update and I am not able to call anyone.. One plus two really made my life he’ll and I wasted my parent’s money.

    • Please consider resetting the device to factory state. That should get you out of these issues.

  • Having problem with update it shows update is not verified and phone is sticking to 2g service only

  • Pathetic. Phone is slow. Can’t access settings page . Some pincode pop up is showing up. Once I enter my pin it is taking me back to the home pagr

  • There is no ring tone and vibration for incoming calls.. I changed the volume settings and the ring tone in the settings.. I even changed the setting from silent to general n back n forth but no luck..also my cell won’t charge properly and would take longer time to fully charge… Probably the worst update ever.. M missing so many important calls from work..any suggestions are welcomed..

    • Unless OnePlus releases a new update fixing these issues, your only option is to hard reset your device.

  • this is ridiculous,,,ringtone not working for any calls, many of the functions are also become unresponsive after the update, seems like i have made biggest mistk by updating phone to marsh…whatevr fuck it is…
    Can i pls get my ringtone and vibrator back atleast, missing out all imp of them, have tried restting volum up down, vibrating and all options but it does not worked. 🙁

  • Bad update…..basics such as ringtone on incoming calls is disrupted……don’t install it till it gets fixed……just can’t figure out in when a call is coming in……useless team of testers…. pathetic update from one plus…..shame

    • It actually wasn’t existing in the testing version released to the beta testers and then the community build. It is more existent here in the final build or maybe its just because of OTA. Updating via full ROM might have better results.

      • Please help me!
        I updated my One Plus 2 to Marshmallow and I’m facing a lot of problems. My battery is draining a lot and its taking around 8 hours for getting charged. Major battery issue.
        Another problem is that I can’t see my contacts and I’m not able to make a call using the dialpad.
        And I dont receive the notifications. I have to open the app and then see the messages for example whatsapp.
        Please HELP!!

  • I updated my One Plus 2 to Marshmallow and I’m facing a lot of problems. My battery is draining a lot and its taking around 8 hours for getting charged. Major battery issue.
    Another problem is that I can see my contacts and I’m not able to make a call using the dialpad.
    And I dont receive the notifications. I have to open the app and then see the messages for example whatsapp.
    Please HELP!!

  • I have upgrades OS and after the upgrade, I disabled Google App service. Now phone is not booting up. How do I resolve this. Please help.

  • Why the hell this update make all the permissions to zero for all the apps. in my One Plus Two? Since begining Oxygen OS has many flaws and bugs needed to be fixed. They seem to have a rookie team at R&D as OS developers.

    I am unable to use almost all the apps. Not able to re-assign the required permissions because it sends me in a kind of a closed loop of pop-ups which lead to a screen where there is supposed to be a “Screen Overlay Permission” which can be changed but found instead “Draw Over Other Apps” which does not show WhatsApp listed or Calendar and even changing this feature from Yes to No for all the listed Apps followed by reboot does not help. Uninstalling and reinstalling an App does not work. Tried even all the solutions mentioed here and elsewhere in the discussion forums like un-installing Clean Master and all other Apps which can create a Screen Layer or Bubble over the original screen but does not work, If anybody has a solution to this which really works then please let me know.

    One Plus Two and Oxygen OS really sucks. Thinking of factory re-set the phone and sell it off then switching to an old and trustworty Samsung now,

  • Hi all,

    My buttons not giving any vibrations after the update. Earlier i used to have vibrations on button touch.
    Any solution !!!!

    Thanks 🙂

  • I’m facing permission problems after upgrading to version 6.0.1 I.e. all apps like WhatsApp Facebook chrome n etc apps want to enable stogare permission n when I go to the instructions in setting then the said app is not shown there
    Please help me about above mentioned problem

  • Since I updated to the latest OS, my computer is not able to detect the files on my phone through USB. I’m using the original cable. Can you please help me with this?

  • After updating even after putting my phone on ringtone its not ringing, also facing problems in all the permissions.
    Someone please help as have lost all important chats on whatsapp as well as cant find contacts.

  • Voice Echo issue is still not resolved . This is more important as it will annoy users and their callers

  • after updating to 6.0.2 i am not able to connect to the laptop although it shows the oneplus icon but when i click it shows the folder is empty . It was working before the update and i am using original cable. please help

  • There is no ring volume when the phone gets a call and I want to try this recommendation. Can someone let me know where this notification slider is present, I don’t see it in Settings to move it to silent and all notifications.

  • On my OnePlus Two, post the upgrade to OxygenOS 3.0.2, the touch screen has become practically unresponsive. Only a after a long press one can swipe anything or select anything, a simple tap on any icon has no result. Any one facing similar issues. Cant start any app as after a long press on any icon, brings up the option to remove it. Answering a phone is also quite painful.

    • That’s the same problem i have. It happens after i restart my phone.
      Go to settings>sound and notifications>phone ringtone
      Play the current ringtone
      Toggle the ring volume up and down a bit.
      It worked for me

    • change your notification button to silent mode and again back to normal.. this is not a permanent solution as once in everyday or two i am facing same problem, but ringtones are back to normal once i again change my notification button from normal to silent and than back to normal

  • Hello together,

    I’m an One Plus 2 user from germany, and I have a question about the last update. I’m very appreciated to any help, because I’m getting really desperate right now.

    Problem: Since I have installed the latest update, my Smartphone shuts down itself very incidentally. If I start the phone again pressing the power button, there are no problems with starting process, Log-In etc. But after 20 seconds of not using my phone, it gets shut down again. The bad thing is that the battery now is flat, and I am not able to just load the phone and turn it back off.

    This is unfortunate, because I literally found this Threat just after my phone got shut down so I could not try to reboot the phone, deleting the cashe datas etc.

    Does anyone have the same problem? As I said, I appreciate every useful help. Thank you!

    • I didn’t hear something similar happening to anybody here and now since the phone is all out of power, I don’t think we have any troubleshooting steps which we can follow. Your best bet will be to bring the device to a service center or submit a RMA.
      Just to confirm, does the phone not show any signs that it is charging? Try leaving it to charge for a few hours. Also try pressing the Power and Volume Up keys together for like 15 seconds and see if it does something.

  • My Launcher isn’t working in spite of downloading and installing the update twice. Because of this, I cannot access my phone. All I can access are notification. How do I make sure that my phone works?

    • Since you cannot access anything without the launcher, you probably need to reset your device so that it can be used normally.

  • I’m having issues with Permissions on WhatsApp, FB, FB Messenger and other apps. There is a kind of closed loop of pop-ups which lead to a screen that ought to be Screen Overlay Pernisaions, but is instead Draw Over Other Apps and does not show WhatsApp or Calendar and changing even All permissions to No or to Yes followed by a reboot does not help. I uninstalled and reinstalled WhatsApp and it made no difference.

  • Post upgrade my mobile data is not working ..tried restart..replacing sim in different slots..APN reset aa set for LTE/GSM but no luck.

    I had data working with same sim and phone till two days back before I upgraded the OS to latest marshmallow.

    Can someone help as I am out of ideas now

    • HI
      I am also getting the same issue with it.Unable to switch network. it stuck on 2G only. Can’t change it to 3G or LTE. please let me know if you got any solution. I tried everything and reset the Phone too.

  • After the 3.0.2 update i can’t change the preferred Network from 2g to 3g or 4g. Its sticking to 2g its changing. I tried to restart, i tried to pull out sim cards and put it back but still it’s not possibly changing.

  • My calls are not receiving vibration while ringtones.. This is disgusting neither in silent nor in all notification.. While my message tone getting vibration. Any ideas

    • change your notification button to silent mode and again back to normal.. this is not a permanent solution as once in everyday or two i am facing same problem, but ringtones are back to normal once i again change my notification button from normal to silent and than back to normal

  • Even I am facing same issue.. I have recently updated my oneplus 2 to oxygen os. 3.0.2 and now the contacts are not loading nor they are showing in the history. m geeting a mesg as contacts not responding. pls any 1 help me out pls.

    • Do you have a backup of contacts? If if you do, try clearing the data for ‘Contacts Storage’ system app.
      If you don’t have a backup, I don’t know what to recommend. Maybe try other apps and see if some can export your contacts.

  • I recently updated my one plus 2 to oxygen is 3.0.2. Since then the ringtones are not working for incoming calls. Can you pls share step by step approach to fix this issue.

      • Go to settings , sound and notification. Ringtone is “none” by default. Change it to any preferred audio.

    • change your notification button to silent mode and again back to normal.. this is not a permanent solution as once in everyday or two i am facing same problem, but ringtones are back to normal once i again change my notification button from normal to silent and than back to normal

  • i have recently updated my oneplus 2 to oxygen os. 3.0.2 and now the contacts are not loading nor they are showing in the history. m geeting a mesg as contacts not responding. pls any 1 help me out pls.

  • I’m facing permission problems after upgrading to version 6.0.1 I.e. all apps like WhatsApp Facebook chrome n etc apps want to enable stogare permission n when I go to the instructions in setting then the said app is not shown there

    Please help me about above mentioned problem

  • Hey after doing the system update I’m not able to access app permission on various applications. When I click on apps permissions it doe not open. I have noticed I am able to open apps permissions on the apps that came pre-installed on my phone but all the apps that I installed myself like whatsapp, facebook etc, I can’t access their app permissions. Any soln please.

  • After my marshmallow update we chat app is not working. It’s showing allow device storage and app draw over. But am going to settings allow that after that it shows the same. I uninstalled the app and install again but same happened.

  • My Contacts list still not appearing and saying being updated…. I think this version is having bugs. Taking longer time for charging after upgrade. Is there a way to go back to previous version? Dont want to make my lifer horrible without having contacts. Tried true caller as well and there is no useful. What next…. Pls dont experiment the latest OS users like me. Phone is also heating too much.

    • You can flash an older version of Oxygen OS, but you’ll be needed to wipe the device before doing that.

  • Hi, is there a way to switch off and on the fingerprint sensor at ur choice? The settings earlier had this option, but now all i see is an option to set up fingerprints and nothing else connected to it. Please help, i prefer switching of the sensor at certain given times but i cnt find that option..

    • I don’t think there was such an option before as well. But I might be wrong since I was on OOS 3.0 beta since the time it was released.
      Talking of Marshmallow, there is no such option to disable the fingerprint sensor and it will be used for screen unlocking till you have at least one fingerprint saved.

      • Thank u for a prompt response.. However there was such an option in the previous version.. In many ways it was pretty useful for me. It would be nice if it was there in this one too.

  • Hello,

    Yesterday post system update, my ringtone and vibration doesnt function. I have tried all the above mentioned ways of moving from Silent to alert slider, but nothing works. Is there a way to revert to the previous version ?

    Shreevidya Nair

  • Hi, I updated the oxygenos 3.0.2 today and not able to get how do I setup for fingerprint now. Can u help plz?
    I don’t see anything relevant in “security and fingerprint” section in settings.

    • It seems the system is not able to recognize that a fingerprint scanner is installed on the device. It more likely will be a software or driver issue. Hence factory reset or flashing the stock ROM should get you out of it.

  • Hi, since the update my phone has lost its data connection. It won’t connect to the LTE vodafone network in UK. I can still recieve calls and text messages, but cannot use any data unless I’m connected to a WIFI.

  • After the Update My Battery has started draining Drastically. Very Pathetic Battery life i am getting, is this a bug??
    Would you please help me out.

  • not able to download media in whatsapp. get message “goto settings > permissions and turn storage on.” but permission window doesn’t open.

    please advice quickly.

    • Since the case is same for all the apps, you possibly need to factory reset your device to get past this.

      • i am facing the same issue but with whatsapp permissions only. Please help. Really dont want to go through the pain of doing a factory reset. Is there any other way to work this out.


  • After upgrading yesterday i m not able to downloador upload any pic or any data on whatsapp..the error message is go to setting>permissions nd turn storage on .But that permissions window itself is not opening.

    Same is the case with all my apps>permissions..none is opening.

    • Go to settings->apps-> right top corner has 3 dots click on reset app preferences.after that watsaap permission is accessible.

      It worked for me.

  • Yes there was a problem that i also faced with ringtone and vibrator both not working. I tried all but no clue and was not working.

    I tried with notification slider up and down several times and rebooted my phone 3 times and suddenly it started working out of the blue.

    The update is full of multiple bugs and seems has not be been tested fully before release.

    @ Nerender – Regarding your copy paste from OPT forum quote with “Dirac HD Sound technology”; since you have NOT experienced the MaxxAudio interface, you will never understand the alarming difference of the audio quality with active MaxxAudio and without it.

    Without Maxx\Audio (esp when you were used to using it) the sound quality is dismal and pathetic and nowhere near to what was with it…

    We must ask for getting it back or else OPT has a pathetic multimedia experience in terms of audio and video

    • I agree, Alok and I quoted that line just to confirm (to myself and anybody else reading the comments) that it was indeed there earlier and is now officially removed. I’m not a music buff and rarely do I play music on the phone.
      However do check out this form thread -
      I tried it and it does improve the audio experience to some extent. Not sure if it will match your expectations, but you might appreciate any improvement it brings 🙂

      As about getting it back, they are officially saying that they will not support it on OOS 3.0 and newer. So asking them would essentially do nothing.

    • Let’s try some troubleshooting:
      1. Settings> Sound & Notification – Check Ring Volume, Also Vibrate for Calls, Phone Ringtone and make sure they are all properly set.
      2. Move Alert Slider – Move Alert Slider to Priority Notifications and then reboot the device. Move slider back to All Notifications.

      If both fail, you’d only be left with the option of factory resetting the device.

  • Hi! I tried to update yesterday but now my phone won’t start. What should i do? First it looked allright but then this red dot with two white dots around keeps spinning. After a while the screen turns black and is vibrating sometimes like it’s trying to reboot but it doesn’t work. I have tried to reboot in recovery mode but it’s ending up the same way. This has been going on since last night (10hours now)… Please help, does anybody else have the same problem?

    • The device has gone into a bootloop due to some issue (rooted device, google services disabled; etc). Your only way out would be to flash the full stock ROM 3.0.2 via recovery. If that doesn’t help, wipe data and cache and then flash the stock ROM. Wiping will delete your apps though (not your storage).

  • last day my one plus two updated with os 3.0.2. Since then contacts not available. tried to export the contacts as mentioned above, but it is not even exporting. I cannot view any of the contacts. But if I type any no. then it shows the contacts starting with that no. but cannot make any call. I have tried many reboots, different launcher, clearing cache of contacts (which is showing only 12kb).. but not solving the issue.

    • That’s why it is always recommended to backup before installing updates. Do you have your contacts synced to your Google account (check at Then that can help. If not, please also try using some other backup application from the Play Store. Maybe that will be able to create a backup. Unless you are able to make a backup somehow, your contacts will be lost.

  • Push slider also does not help, can you please let us know, if anything can be done. Also noted though kept vibration ON, while ringing no ring no vibration.

  • I started the download yesterday but after 70% my internet connection got interrupted and the download stopped. When I am trying to download it again today it gives me an error “There was a problem during the download, please download again”. I have tried reboot, Wipe cache using recovery but still getting same error.

    Please suggest how do I start the download again ?

    • It seems like a widespread bug. Try this:

      1. Push notification slider to “silent”.
      2. Push notification slider to “all notifications”

      • I have tried this and I am having the same problem. My phone won’t even allow me to select a different ringtone. Since altering the ringer to silent, it now won’t even allow me to turn the volume back up. Please help!!!

  • my computer doesnt see my OnePlus2 when I plug it in…charging works, but it doesnt recognize it as a device.

    • This is an Android feature. Every time you connect to a PC, you need to change the option in the notifications menu (pull down) from USB for Charging to MTP or PTP as needed.

      • Try pushing ringtone slider up to make it silent and push it down to ‘all notifications’ mode. It restored ringtone volume.. have to see if the problem reoccurs..

  • Want my Maxxaudio back. Without it music on OPT sounds so sub standard that I will not like to listen or watch movies

    OPT please give back the Maxxaudio app as it was such a pleasure to listen ..

    If I don’t get Maxx audio I’ll sell this phone and buy an Apple instead.

      • Yes N it was preinstalled with OPT. In the app area it was yellow in colour with the name as Tuner. It was damm good app and nothing matches it… unfortunately don’t know why and whose decision at OPT developer team or alike thought about this foolish idea of removing it… sometimes these people go out of their mind to do something which is totally stupid and foolish.. rather than focusing on improving quality and service support they are busy with experimenting with established systems… utterly disappointed..

        • Right they have removed it – MaxxAudio and Tuner have been removed. We have integrated with Dirac HD Sound technology for the speaker so you get a great experience without the knobs and dials.
          Agreed that removing features isn’t a good thing to do. Would’ve been better if they just left it the way it was 😐

  • my phone is not getting started after the instalation, its just booting since 7 hours and a blank black screen after the loading .plz do help

          • Same issues. It keeps

            Booting -> Android is starting -> Booting Repeat.

            No, the device was never rooted.

            • Nope not rooted. I just downloaded the update and installled and it boots forever. Im scared il lose my data

                • This is scary, Renton. But since it is not booting up, the only way to get it back would be by flashing the full ROM which will delete you data. If not all, at least your apps and the respective data will be lost while still preserving the primary internal storage.
                  Download the FULL ROM, Delete Data and Cache via recovery and then flash it.

            • I read this at OnePlus. Did you disable that, just in case?
              Warning (Upgrading to v3.0.2): If you’ve disabled Google services on your current device, please re-enable before upgrading via OTA. If Google services is disabled, you may experience system boot issues after installation.

              • i facing the same issue and i think i may have disabled some google apps. So what should i do now? Should i take it to the service center or is there some easy fix to it?

                • You just need to flash the full 3.0.2 ROm via recovery and you should be good to go. If it still causes issues, wiping the data and then flashing the 3.0.2 would fix it all 🙂

  • Hi

    Just now completed the update and it’s really awesome. OP2 is very smooth now.

    Thanks for the download links and step by step instructions to do the same.

  • Hello. After I updated the phone, it proceeds till the “login” page where I will have to write my phone lock to unlock my OnePlus Two. Problem is that the screen is all black, and doesn’t show anything after the loading screen part. Just happened now after I installed the update. Please Help 🙂

    • You need to revert back to the Stock Recovery and then flash the full OOS 3.0.2 package. You will then be eligible for future OOS OTA updates.

  • Hi, i had updated to 3.0 beta on my One plus 2 last month.
    I got the OTA update package, but after it got downloaded, when i try to install it, i get the message “There was a problem installing the upgrade. Please try again later”
    I’m manually downloading the update now, or should i wait for the OTA update package issue to be resolved?

      • I am currently on 3.0 beta and want to upgrade to 3.0.2. Like Lenard mentioned, I am facing the same issue.
        My question : Should I install the 3.0-> 3.0.2 ROM or the full package 3.0.2 update?
        Will it make a difference?

        • The end result would essentially be the same. Full ROM is more for those who are coming from a ROM other than OxygenOS.
          You should jist choose the OTA file.

  • Hi,i have flashed the beta community build in my op2 last month. But i didn’t receive any ota till now. i think i should dowload it manually. is there any problem if i do this. Is it done the sma eway i didnt the beta update.Iam alsonaot sure about which link i should use.. becoz.. i had.. installd tye beta version.. plz help..

    • Since the update is really pushed in phased manner, it might not have been made available yet. Flashing these updates manually have the same effect as OTA, so you can simply go ahead and flash.
      To find out which one you need to flash, head to settings> about and see your current OxygenOS version. Flash the one that matches with yours. You’d either be on 3.0.0 or 3.0.1.

  • Hey thank you very much for helping me out.
    It work clearing cache and data of contacts.

    I had backup in my sim card.

    Now the every thing is great and working fast..

    Thank very much for your help and time…
    Cheers 🙂

    • You’re very much welcome, Noel. I’m glad that this was helpful to you.
      You can revert back here anytime you need help. Enjoy! 🙂

  • hello,

    I wanted to ask, after installing os 3.0.2 will my data go ?
    I have to download and install 2.2.1 stable -> 3.0.2 stable that is 1.1 gb size, so does it wipe data ?
    In data i mean – contacts , apps , photos and videos ? (Settings gets rested that is ok )

    Please Reply.

    Thank you.

    • No. Your data will be preserved. However, it is still recommended that you backup any critical data just in case something goes wrong.
      The update only flashes the system partition and everything else remains untouched. Your saved fingerprints will be removed.

      • Thank you for replying every thing has worked good..
        After the update the phone has really become smooth.

        I’m very happy..

        But Im having an issue with contacts.
        My contacts are being displayed in the app.
        And it crashes if I try to add any new contact.

        Can you help me out here ?

        • Can you try the following?
          1. A simple restart.
          2. Clear cache and data for contacts app (Settings> Apps> Contacts> Storage)
          3. Wipe cache (not data) through recovery mode.

          One of these will hopefully get you rid of the error. If it doesn’t, try another contacts app from the Play Store and see if it works. If not, there’s something wrong with the contacts storage which will need wiping of contacts storage and adding the contacts again.

          • Yup there is something wrong with my contacts.

            Nothing works not even other apps form the play store.

            I did clean cache.

            Is there any way ?? To work?
            Or is it format or roll back to OS 2.2.1 and wait for OTA.?

            And really thank you for your help and time 🙂

            • This is exactly the same update as you get over OTA so everything should be the same. Can you please try backing up all your contacts (many apps out there for the purpose or use the Import/Export option in contacts app) and then wipe data and cache for the Contacts Storage (Settings> Apps> *options* > Show System> Contacts Storage> Storage)? That should delete all databases from the contacts storage and revert the thing to its default state. Also make sure that both contacts and contacts storage are allowed required permissions. You can then try adding a new contact If that works, import the backed-up ones and you’re all set.
              If not, since reverting to 2.2.1 would also require a factory reset, backup all your data and do try factory reset on the current install and see if that sorts the thing for you. A factory reset should not (unless you choose to wipe data) remove your personal data and only installed apps and settings will be reset.

      • Hi, I am a One Plus2 user and my phone is just not starting after the new OS installation. It has just heated up but is not starting. I’m afraid I may lose all my media files. Please let me know what to do. I have tried to restart it after it finished rebooting but the same red circle and 2 white circles revolving around it has been showing for 3 hours. What am I supposed to do? It is just not staring.

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