
Flipkart sold 10000 Xiaomi Mi3 phones in 5 seconds

Xiaomi has made another record today. While the previous sale that happened on 22nd July lasted for around 30 minutes, the second sale that happened today only lasted for 5 seconds. The sale started today at 2:00:00 PM and by 2:00:05, the Mi3 was already out of stock.

How many Mi3 Phones did Flipkart Sell Today?

There are no official sales numbers revealed by Flipkart or Xiaomi, but from some analysis, we found that 10400 Mi3 units were imported into the Indian borders on 25th July. Now taking into account that there will be some returns and replacements happening from the previous orders (due to damaged items received or incorrectly delivered), we deduct 400 from the total imports of 10400. So, Flipkart has still managed to sell roughly 10,000 Mi3 phones in 5 seconds.

Zauba Mi3 Import 25July
Mi3 Imports on 25th July

Will Flipkart ever be able to satisfy the demand?

Facebook page of Xiaomi India is flooded with posts and comments with complaints about their way of selling. There are more and more unhappy prospective buyers who failed to book their Mi3 yet another time. The question that arises here is whether or not Flipkart (or Xiaomi) be able to keep its buyers happy? Xiaomi reported that there were over 1,00,000 registrations for the very first sale that happened on 22nd July, but Flipkart still imported only around 10,000 devices for sale and the same story continues yet again during the 2nd sale. I don’t think they will be able to tap the prospective customers as those who could not order will already be looking at other alternatives..

xiaomi facebook compaints
Unhappy people reacting on their FB page


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  • So the hype is for real! Wow 10000 units in todays sale- that’s not bad! Under 5 secs. Faster than your quarter mile car!

    • Yehh!! If sources of other sites are correct, a similar number was sold during the first sale as well 🙂 So really not bad 😀 The thing is they are able to sell all that they are producing/importing.

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