Facebook Social Networks

Facebook rolling out Verifed Pages and Profiles – Twitter Effect

To attract more celebrities and public figures on Facebook and to help users differentiate between a real and face account, Facebook has recently introduced verified badges for Facebook Pages and Profiles.

Facebook is kinda implementing it in the same way as twitter does for verified pages i.e a blue badge will appear next to the Facebook Pages which are verified by the network and guarantee their authenticity. Howering over the verified badge will help the users in learning more about the page and its authenticity.

Verified Facebook Page - Salena Gomez

Some well-known public figures and Pages with large followings (ex: celebrities, journalists, government officials, popular brands and businesses) are verified by Facebook as having an authentic identity. You’ll see a blue badge next to their names.

Just like the verified profiles on twitter, users cannot manually ask/request Facebook to verify them and their pages. Facebook will itself contact the popular profiles and pages for verification.

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