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How to Change WhatsApp Group Admin or Add More Admins

WhatsApp is a popular instant messaging service for smartphones that needs no introduction. It supports Individual Chats, Broadcasts and Groups. Sometimes users want to change the admin of the group or add new admins as a few powers (like Adding new members, removing members; etc) are only available to admins. Read on to know how to promote more members as admins and how to demote the present admins.

Adding More Admins to WhatsApp Groups

WhatsApp group admins can not only add or remove members, they can now also promote members as admins. Promoting another member as admin will give him/her the power to add or remove members as well. To add more admins:

  1. Open WhatsApp group where you act as an Admin.
  2. Open the list of participants (members) by tapping on group info.
  3. Tap and hold (long tap) on the name or number of the member whom you want to make the admin.
    whatsapp make group admin
  4. Tap on Make Group Admin.

The selected member will be promoted as an Admin.

Removing Admins from WhatsApp Groups

WhatsApp has added new features with the recent update. Now, all admins have the power to edit Admin members. So, they can remove an admin from his post without having to remove him and then re-add to the group. Here’s how:

  1. Open the group info page. You can tap on the group name (topic) to open group info.
  2. Scroll down to the list of participants.
  3. Tap and hold on the name/number of the member for whom you want to revoke admin rights.
  4. Select Dismiss as admin from the list of actions.
    WhatsApp dismiss admin

Note: Group creator acts as a Super Admin. He cannot be removed from his Admin position by any other admin(s).

You can also add or remove Admins in bulk via the option in Group Settings > Edit group admins.

Changing WhatsApp Group Admin

If the members want to have only one admin, the admin of the group can promote a co-member as an admin and then exit the group. Finally ask the new admin to re-add him to the group. He will no longer have his admin rights thereafter.


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  • So you mean if group creator dies as sole admin nothing can be done?Would the only solution be for all members to leave the group and create another one?

    • Yes, that is right. If the only admin is no longer available on WhatsApp, you cannot add any additional admins.

  • If sole admin mobile phone is not functional anymore – admin himself cannot add extra admin to the group n cannot send message to the group , what can be done ? The admin was key person to share info to group but can’t do so now

  • Having trouble adding a member as an Admin on a WhatsApp “Broadcast Group” that I am the administrator on? It does not give me the make Admin option when I hold down the name of the member….

  • What happens if the creator of the group leaves the group? Does anyone else get the super admin right? Or nobody does?

  • I am the only Admin in a group whatsapp and my number is no longer active. I now have a new phone number. How do I reconnect as admin back on the same group platform?

    • Hi, you cannot do that. You will have to regain access to the old number. Or else just create a new group and add the same people 🙂

  • I created a group. I was admin there. By using the provision in whatsapp, I foregone my admin post and continued as ordinary member. I want to be admin now. Is it possible?

  • When Group Admin shows vested interest by blocking a member from replying to a questions raised by
    other member in group how to take action against him. Monitoring by vested interested Group Admin the messages of group and decides to post on selective for advantage to Group Admin what action to be taken. Can he be prosecuted. This is happening in many groups.

  • Is it possible for an administrator to delete inappropriate post from the group page? I think it needed sanitize platforms

    • Unfortunately, that is not possible in WhatsApp. Telegram works better for groups actually.

  • In my group, I mean not the admin and both admins have changed their numbers. How can the two become admins or any other person becomes an admin?

    • If you are the creator of the group, you can easily delete all the other Admins. Simply update your WhatsApp to the latest one. And follow the steps described here. Cheers.

  • hi im admin in a group and i have deleted all other members ,and then added them back can they see all the old messages

  • Hi, we have a family admin grp. Unfortunately my sister was the ONLY admin person but has broken her phone and now we can’t delete her old number and add the new one.
    What can we do?

  • Hi,

    We have a office colleagues group and i forgot who created and I was admin to that group along with other 3 people. One day someone removed my admin access, but i have to know who is that guy removed my admin access.
    Help me how to find him ?

  • We are three admins in the group, if super admin left the group who is the next super admin ?….

  • The Founder / Creator of Group should have the right to remove co-admin without removing him from the group

    • WhatsApp recently added that functionality. I have updated the post to make it current as per latest settings on WhatsApp.

      • I created a group and was admin of a group and removed myself in error, and another person was made the admin how do I get back on? And new admin has lost his. Number

        • Hi Godwin, you cannot do anything in this case. Only the new admin can add you as the admin again.

  • Hi Narendra,

    My friends is creator of a whats app group…she added other admins as well..she does not want her name to be shown as creator of the group. What can we do to replace name of creator with other admin.

    • There is nothing that she can do. The name of group creator/founder will always form part of the group info.

  • Hi! I am the Admin for a group chat and would like to remove some questionable pics sent by a member to the chat for everyone. Would I be able to do that?

    • Hi Brenda, unfortunately, you cannot delete anything sent by another participant to the group. The best you can do is to kick him/her to stop the further nuisance. However, you can’t delete what has been sent by him in the past.

  • Hello , my church whatsapp group Admin left the church and his number is nomore existing when calling him he was the only admin . Pleas assist in advising how we can add another Admin .
    Please help Narenda Singh.

    • Hello, you cannot add another admin without the existing admin doing it for you. So, I would advise you to create a new group and add all those participants to that group and ask them to leave the previous group 🙂

    • Unfortunately nothing can be done unless the admin gets a new SIM card with the same number and re-installs WhatsApp. Or you can create a new group with all the desired participants and ask everybody to leave the previous group.

  • I was the admin of a Whattsapp group but removed when I changed my phone number. How to appoint another admin now that I’m no more a member of the group.

  • My whatsapp group in only one admin. He is not making me an admin so there is no other way to become an administrator

    • No Mayur, only the group creator (current admin) can make new admins 🙂 It is upto him if he wants to make you an admin or not.

    • Nope.. There is no other option to be Admin Only this guy can make you admin , who is admin right now in your group..You’d better directly ask to this guy and say I want to make admin….

  • You can do dual WhatsApp app install from play store than you can operate dual WhatsApp same single Mobile


      Mukesh Rai

    • I have blocked my whatsapp application in my phone but another user in the group is still using this group with admin rights. how can i block this group fully.

  • I am group admin one, of what’s app group I remove 1 person from the group because of his post wrong things in a group. but that person is still able to see other members’ numbers form group I want that person not see any member details from group how to stop him

  • I am wondering the group adm ceased to be in whatapp, yet new members need to be added in the group. What exactly can be done to the case…..???

  • #

    if i was the admin and i was accidentally deleted myself out the group and now group admi show my name bt I m unable to share….received any msg….plz solve my problem…i want to start my group..

  • if i was the admin and i was accidentally deleted myself out the group and the new admin so longer around how do i get back in

      • Yeah that’s why. I was looking for a way to remove myself as admin from a group after my other ph. with that account went kappupt Thanks!

          • Yeah makes sense…so that means that my group will be in spaceland forever more without being able to add/remove members or change the admin….nuts 🙂

            • Yes, unfortunately. However, if you contact the carrier/operator, you should be able to get a duplicate SIM with the same number.
              The WhatsApp groups are also very easy to create, so you can quickly create a replacement. You surely will not see older messages, but you can leave that group intact (and not delete) if access to old messages is needed.

    • Excuse me then mabye your phone is broken dummy even my iPhone has that feature that lets you make other people group admins

  • hello i would like to know one thing for exp :- one group is closed i was in group but someone removed all participant but i want to use this group again but how to use this group without adding anyone because all participants are showing in group i just want to recontinue with same participant

  • How to remove ‘ created by xxx’ at the bottom of whats app group and insert new admin name as xxx is no more a member of the group.

    • But since it is a created by tag, it will continue to reflect the details of the person who actually created it.

  • Same situation as K V R …I am a group admin. One fine morning I noticed that someone else in my group has changed the Group name and the Group Logo. How can it be possible? Can I restrict the process in the settings so that no one can change the Group name and the Group Logo except me?

  • I am a group admin. One fine morning I noticed that someone else in my group has changed the Group name and the Group Logo. How can it be possible? Can I restrict the process in the settings so that no one can change the Group name and the Group Logo except me?

    • This is the default WhatsApp behavior that all members can edit the topic and display picture of the group. You cannot override or restrict members from doing this.


  • I created WhatsApp group by mistake I deleted immediately new admin appointed by WhatsApp now I want to admin my group but new admin mobile has been switched off from past 20 days. Any possibility there to became an admin to my group

  • I deleted group that i created but now that group exists and someone other is admin of that group. After deleting group, group should not exist. How is it possible? Please tell me.

  • Hello, I have created a group and i was admin. So in group any one can change group name how to fix this probelm? so that only i can change group name.Please help me.

  • hi, i created a group and suddenly the group got deleted from my phone and i cant figure out how, i check another member phone and a new admin was appointed who is now unreachable so i can ask him to add me to the group, please how do i readd myself from a normal member phone or which other way can i take back the group, i need to pass a very important official message on the group. deadline is today. please hellllllllllllllllllp

    • You cannot go back into the group unless an admin adds you. If it is very urgent, please create a new group and pass the message there.

  • i’m a group admins and make mistakes made someone for admins too, how to remove him from admin but don’t remove him for group?

  • I’m a group creator and I make another group admins and someone of the new admins had removed me what i can make to return as a group admin

  • I can’t remove the other admin of my group . it is very irritating to delete a member and add him again

  • I have made a group on whatsapp and one of the members has changed the profile picture and the status how can someone do that when I am the admin??

    • Admin only have the additional power to add/remove members. All participants are able to update the group title and the display picture.

      • Howdy, I was the a group admin I created when my Blackberry broke. I inserted the sim into a android phone and got kicked as a member and Group Admin. As usual the first added memeber was automatically asigned as the Group Admin nd so it shows on all memeber’s phones. But the group admin have no option to add new admins and it shows on his andoid phone that the original number is still admin though I was kicked from the group? Weird… How can the group admin assign the original or anyone else as admin for that matter. Nobody have control allthough its shows that admin?

        • This is messed up. Seems you’ve encountered a bug 😛
          Please try contacting the WhatsApp support or better everybody leaves the group and create a new group.

  • Would it be possible for WhatsApp to have a feature update where an admin can remove his/herself from being an admin? Especially during situations where the previous admin left, and the system randomly assigns someone else to be an admin, and that person doesn’t want to be an admin in the first place.

    • It is always possible for WhatsApp to implement that, but as of now there isn’t such a feature and all we can do is hope 🙂

      • The reason why I couldn’t see who the admin was, was because I was deleted from the group which I did myself. I would suggest that the wording be changed from exit group to delete yourself from the group. I figured it would exit me out of the page however it deleted me from the group.

  • I’m group admin on group and have now deleted myself so there’s no option to ‘add participant’ so can not re-add myself? Neither can anyone else, how can I re add in group

  • I am a member of a group.I my self want to be a group administrator as other 3 members are.What can I do…

  • I created a group and some one requested me to make them admin to help manage the group. That person (I assume) has made everyone admin so now we have all 50+members as admin in the group.Now people are added right left and center. Since I created the group people think I made them the admin… I want to revert this but I am not sure how do I do it without removing them & adding again (all 50+ & growing) & without others in the group knowing so? With so many admins there is no decorum left in the group. I feel like quitting it but it will still have my number as creator 🙁

  • I m just a member of wats app group.
    How can i be a admin of that group ?
    Is der any hacking trick ?

  • we have a group of 28 members, and one of the admins made all the member admin, so now all 28 are admin, im leaving the group and requesting to add me back but after addding me someone is making me admin again.. so my Qs is how can i find out who is making me admin again and again.. pleas help

  • I am the only Admin of the group but my phone has broked the group dont have a leader how can they choose the another admin???

    • You need to activate WhatsApp with the same number to get logged in as the Admin and then appoint a new admin or something.

  • The only adm in the group was robbed so we dont know how to add his new number! we dont want to create a new group because of all the media we would lose. What can we do?

    • Nothing actually unless the old Admin gets the same old number (SIM) reissued from the operator so that it can be used for whatsapp on his new phone.

  • I’m group admin on group and have now deleted myself so there’s no option to ‘add participant’ so can not re-add myself? Neither can anyone else, how can I fix this?

  • I’m crater of group but admin other person by mistake person is unknown .which phone number switch off please help me

  • I made a group at what sup 1 year back and now I am still the group admin. but the problem is my old no. by which I made the group I surrendered and using new no. that new no. is now showing in group admin now. the question is
    whether that old no. which is owned by someone else now will also be getting to see our group chat
    secondly I have 2 no.s now if I keep switching my no.s in what sup will some one can know that both no.s belong to me if I use same handset

    • If that number is no longer in the group, the person using that number cannot see your chat. It’s a NO to your second question.

  • I am the admin of this group and I want to ask you that if I promote a member as an admin, will he then be able to remove my admin rights or remove me from the group?

    • Yes he will be. All admins carry equal rights. It is however not possible to remove somebody from Admin unless he is removed and re-added to the group. Yes he can do that.

  • Hi.. …. Admin my name is joy I’m 28 year’s old place add me ur whatsapp group My whatsapp number is ***Removed***

  • i am the group admin. i would like to give one user only read permission. is this provision is possible in whatsapp

  • I am the admin of my group, I deleted photos from the group on my phone but also on the whatsapp chat by mistake. Will they and the other admins still be able to see them?

  • my group admin was removed and the new admin phone number is not available. then is There any chance to modify group

    • WhatsApp does not support more than 100 members out of box. Any hacks and mods aren’t recommended.

  • How can I create a group that only Admin can post a message to other members???? I want to open group for my student I need them only to receive message with out reply to prevent useless chat in the group

  • Would like to know reason for name removed from whatsapp group without admin knowledge or action. However Name of the person removed is not interacting with group from last 4 months ..

  • I created a group and added the first contact from a list. I posted a picture of the list in the group and I added person1 and made them an admin. Now I want person1 to see the picture of the list and add the next person but they can’t see the pic cus it was posted before they were added!! So every single person has to add the next person, make them and admin, and also post the picture and instructions again!

  • I am an admin of a group we use at work and I would like to know if someone post a unproffesional post or a picture how it can be removed from the group so that no one can see it. If this is not possible I need to know now…

  • I am not able to find the option of group admin to add every one as the group admin. If any one know just share the information how to do it?. Revert to me asap.

  • As admin I accidentally removed myself. How can I check who new admin is so I can ask them to add me back in the group?

  • i have created a Group Chat on Whatsapp and have to promote a few members to be Admin so that they can accept others too. Can the Other Admin remove me as Admin and if yes, how do i prevent it?

  • i am not a group admin. so other memeber also not a group admin. he didnt do anyone grup admin. one day one of our group memeber did all of one group admin….
    how this will possible if our admin didnt do anyone admin

    • Only an admin can make others an admin. So either he did it, or somebody else who was using his phone.

    • Unfortunately, that’s not possible. Gotta let em play with the group name and the icon 😛

    • There’s no provision to do that. You gotta create a new group or ask the new admin to make you an admin again 😛

  • This has to be the dumbest app out there. I created a group to update them with info, but I was not aware that everyone gets to see all the contact as I thought it was just me communicating with them all at once instead of me composing 40 whatsapp on the same subject. Anyway now enermies and strangers have each other’s contacts. Then I thought since I created the group, I could just delete the group and the whole group would end. Instead it deleted only me, and now a person I no longer get on with is the group admin. I do not want to speak to this person to ask them to let me back in, because they won’t, but everyone remains on other people’s contact lists. What a stupid app!

    • Well, the fault is at both sides. You didn’t try finding out how WhatsApp Groups work and whatsapp doesn’t provide any documentation during group creation. You only needed a Broadcast List to send those same messages to multiple contacts.
      And you should’ve removed others from the group before quitting it yourself. You should’ve searched a bit, buddy.

      • Problem is that I should not research anything. It should be straightforward. Whatsapp should make it clear and make you choose if you would like everyone’s emails to get transferred to everyone’s contact list – and this should not be the automatic choice or you use a ‘broadcast list’ – this is not advertised on Whatsapp, so I was not aware of it.
        Only now that I have deleted myself, I realise that the damned list did not go away – whatsapp, does not give you options on that either, so they should say, if you delete yourself as administrator we will remove the whole group (I would have said yes) or if you remove yourself, it will not take away the group.
        ‘You should have researched’ is not a good enough answer, because nobody goes around looking for unknown loopholes, otherwise we would all be spending days on end, looking for them everytiime we use apps. Apps should be straight forward.

        • yes… I agree.. whatsup needs to prompt the user that “admin access cannot be regained once removed/deleted.. ”

          then the user will be cautious…

    • You are dumb… If you want to send messages to people and others not know who all have received it create a Broadcast Group.

  • I lost my whatsapp mobile no. and i was only a group admin, how can i enter in the group.
    pls give any idea pls

    • Very First number you had added while making a group, whatsapp will automatically make him/her act as a Admin. Ask your friends whoever has become an Admin, will be able to Add you back in the group, as well as could help you be an Admin once again.

  • my friend lost his whatsapp mobile no. and he only was a group admin, how can he enter in the group

  • i am admin and my self create a group. i added another person to privilege admin.

    now the second admin removed from the same group.
    how can i renter same group or how can i remove the same group.

  • I am a group admin. Can I resist all members of the group to post in the group instead of me ?????

    I mean all members of my group should be able only to read what I post in the group but nobody is allowed to reply on it or post in the group.

    Is it possible ????????????

  • my friend is a group admin .and he made me group admin can i remove him as a group admin.

  • Want to know if you can create a whatsapp group for one way communication (update on a situation or shareing info). I do not want the group to reply on the group with questions or comments as this irritate others people on the group.

  • Im the admin of a group and i lost my sim card.How to add my new number into dat group.Its showing group admin as my old number.

  • i have change and rechenage back of my number on my iphone what’s app, but didn’t reinstall the passed history.
    now i can’t receive my passed group message, nor i can see my previous group.

    please kindly advise.

  • nice tut thanks…….how come non-administrators can change the name of a group? this is really wierd and BAD! I can’t find a way to change this

  • a participant exit the group but want to be reinstated to the group. I’m the admin but struggle to add the person. I’ve simply tried to add him again but his details doesn’t appear in my whatssap contact list, though it’s on my phone list??Advise please.

  • how can I know that how many groups I have already added at whatts app?I want to leave all dont know how?I havent any chat history of that?

  • I was admin of a group. I exited. How Can I also delete the group thread from my phone without deleting the actual group?

    • Yes. When you exit, you no longer stay the Admin. Deleting the thread will only delete it from your phone. In fact, unless all the participants of a group exit or are kicked, there is no way to delete a group 😛

  • I’m the admin of my group… unfortunately I uninstall my whatsapp acc… that means I removed from that group??? tell me

    • If you just removed WhatsApp, you will still be there, but if you deleted your account, you are removed from group as well.

  • in my group whatsapp there only 3 admin,me and two of my friend,but what surprise me is another member in the group suddenly succed on his own to become admin without any of three help from original admin,hiw is that possible???this is rarely to see,if there anyone that have encounter same situation as i??please

  • I have a admin in our group…. I wanted to became admin I can’t please her.. so is the any way to bring her down and I became administration ?

  • I created a group and added some more adms. Unfortunately one became chicky and kicked us all from the group and remained the only group adm. Is there any way to regain my adm rights apart from him because he isn’t willingt

  • Hi there,

    As admin I don’t want to post or edit in group as my personal name.

    I rather want to use as group account. Is that possible? thanks.


  • our admin died. how can we get a new admin? we don’t want to start a new group as we might not be able to put every one he had connected?

    • Very sorry to hear about the loss.
      As about your query, unless his WhatsApp account is deleted, you cannot create a New Admin. You should simply note down the numbers of all the group members and then add them to the new group.

    • After one year of inactivity the admin rights will automatically be assigned to another member. So you need to wait for one year. sorry for that…

  • I am the group admin. Unfortunately I exit from the group. Randomly some one has given as admin. Can I get back my admin rights

  • I am the only admin of an important business chat. My android phone broke and although I still have the same number and sim in a new device, i can’t get into my original wa account. I cant enter the group chat and the old account is still shown as admin.
    How can i enter my old account? Or is there any possible way to change the admin?
    Please help me! :$

    • If you setup the WhatsApp account with the same number on a new phone, all your groups will be there. You’ve probably did something wrong there.

  • if iam the main admin and i gave another member an admin right will he be able to remove me from the admin rights.

    Thanks .

  • The admin of my whatsapp group left. The new is somebody else. But the problem is that person doesn’t have whatsapp facility in his phone, though his name is shown in the participants list. He doesn’t own a smartphone. So basically, our group is admin less now. That means no one can add new members, which is not a good thing. PLEASE HELP!!

  • I am the only admin of group.and i left the group accidentally how can i re enter into group

    There is no other admin

    • WhatsApp automatically appoints a new admin at random when the only admin leaves. So ask that new admin to add you.

  • I am the Group admin. I have only have an admin rights in the group. But toDay i found one new person have added in the group without my permission. Suddenly i found and new mwmber and shocked. No one have an Admin rights. I am only the admin. Please suggest how it possible.

  • I’m a group administrator and my number has been revoked by service provider. How do I remove that number as group administrator because it require verification?

  • Hello plz help me whats group
    i m create group nd my frend
    second adim that group he
    removed me but he not allow
    what trick i back that group plz

  • Hello plz help me whats group i m create group nd my frend second adim that group he removed me but he not allow what trick i back that group admin plz reply anone

  • I have iphone 4S. I am the group admin. I want to assign a new admin but I don’t have “add xxxx as admin” option.
    Is it bec of iphone 4S?
    how can I remove myself off the admin and assign a new one?

  • The admin in my group has lost the phone and now no one has rights to add another admin. I tried your method but its not working I don’t want to delete the group

    With a long press on admins name in the list I get 4 option none as the option mentioned by you

  • dear,
    is it possible to create a group where only admin/admins can post and rest can only read msgs, and not able to post.

  • I was Admin for a WhatsApp Group on an international phone, but it broke. Now I can’t add my actual phone number to the group. Is there any way possible that I can be readded?

  • I was admin before I changed my number. Now that am using another number, how can I access the group?

    No others are admins in the group, so there isnt a known way of being rejoined to group.

    Please suggest how to go about….

  • Hi

    I was a group admin. Some problem I have delete my group. But I have rejoin my group because my created group are active on my all friends. But I have unable to rejoin my group. Please suggest any suggest perfect answar.

  • I was admin before my line was that am using another line,how can I access the group cause there is no other admin.

  • I am admin of my group. only i want to post some info in my group and I want, no one else could comment or post. I dont want people chit chat in my group.

    Is there any option for this?

  • I was a group admin and I gave the power of administration to one of z members, he kicked me out and added me again so I can’t have the admin rights. I am currently normal member, can’t I get my admin rights back? Specially that’s the group was created by me?

  • All who can’t see the add group admin once you press on the contact name, please update to latest whatsapp and it will appear.

  • Thanks Narander – it works like a charm!! The GA in the one group I am in has had his phone stolen, I guess we have to start from scratch again?

    • Finally.. hehe you’re one of the few who said it works. For your query, if the GA can get the same number issued again, his group will be available when he sets up WhatsApp on his new phone. Otherwise, you need to create a new group 🙂

      • So it would seem that it is best to have 2 GA’s in a large group to prevent having to restart from scratch in re-creating the group and it also gives the group the power to kick one of the GA’s out if they misbehave?

        • Exactly 🙂 A group (even small one) should definitely have more than 1 Admins for it becomes easy to add/remove members and also saves in situations such as when the only admin loses his phone or goes out on holidays. Not to mention the misbehavior 🙂

  • I tried to include one more person in admin but unable to do so. because in whatsapp it doesnt have the option of MAKE GROUP ADMIN .I am using a Nokia 1320 with WIndows 8.Kindly reply asap with a solution.



  • I was reset my mobile but when I open my group again after reset mobile; it is not showing a group show only this group created by How I can become a admin of my group

  • i have samsung galaxy grand prime im not able to make someone admin im current admin when i click and hold member only 4 options come view,call,massage,remove what i do

  • I’m group administration in my friends . After changing my mobile number I continue using tthis my personal.I forgot old numbers to used as admin. For a long time .so how to continue my group administration or in my friend life .now I don’t have the old number present has changed to other persons. Pls help me

  • Can I add or remove members in behalf of admin.coz bcoz sme problms group admin not ready to leave or add more members .so all others wanna mke it active.wat we do now?? ..

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