
Tata Docomo’s Revised 2G Internet Packs in Punjab

Tata DoCoMo has recently hiked the prices of its Internet Packs. Surprisingly, the same trend is appearing with every other operator and they too have either already hiked the prices or are going to hike them in the coming days. GPRS internet is no longer going to stay as cheap as it used to be in 2012.

We don’t know what the exact reason behind this step is, maybe reduced profits or the wish to earn more profits. Whatever the reason be, let’s move to the objective of the post i.e. to update everyone about the new GPRS packs announced by Tata DoCoMo. Here are the details of new plans:

Rs. 5 Daily Internet Pack – 5MB

The daily pack of Rs. 5 will give you 50MB of free 2G data valid till the mid-night of the day it was activated. To activate, you need to send an SMS with content GPRS to 121.

Rs. 15 Internet Pack – 200 MB

The internet pack of Rs. 15 will provide you with 200 MB of free 2G data valid for 3 days. Post free usage you will be charged at the base rate of 10p/10kb.

Rs. 26 Internet Pack – 300 MB

The data pack valued at Rs.26 will provide you a little more data i.e.300 MB which will be valid for 7 days. Post free usage you will be charged at 10p/10kb.

Rs. 56 Internet Pack – 500 MB

This pack valued at Rs.56 offers 500 MB of free 2G data and the validity will be for 15 days. Just like every other pack, post free usage or after the expiry of this pack you’ll be charged at 10p/10kb.

Rs. 77 Internet Pack – 750 MB

The Rs. 77 data plan provides you 750 MB of data. This plan is valid for 21 days (3 weeks).

Rs. 95 Internet Pack – 1 GB (Ideal Plan)

This Rs. 95 plan will provide you with 1 GB of data which will be valid for a whole month (30 days). After the consumption of free data, additional usage will be charged at 10p/10kb.

Rs. 126 Internet Pack – 1.25 GB

The GPRS pack of Rs. 126 provides you with 1.25 GB of free data which will be valid for 30 days.

Rs. 249 Internet Pack – 3 GB (Ideal for long-term users)

The internet plan of Rs.249 provides the users with 3 GB of free 2G data which will be valid for 90 days i.e. 3 months. This plan is suitable for users who are all-time internet users. So instead of spending every month, better opt for a long-term plan. After the consumption of free data, additional usage will be charged at 10p/10kb.


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