In the process of making ROMs and testing them, many of the Nokia X2 devices faced the SIM OFFLINE problem. EvenΒ many of the Nokia X2 users are facing SIM OFFLINE issue after flashing wrong ROMs which were never supposed to be flashed on the Nokia X2. So far there is no 100% working fix, but the following has worked for me and hopefully will do for others as well.
Steps to Fix SIM Offline Error
We can’t guarantee that this method will work. It has worked for me, but don’t know if it will work for you or not. Proceed at your own risk. If your device is damaged or any things happens to to it then we are not responsible for it. You are following the tutorial at our own risk.
- Rooted Nokia X2
- Terminal Emulator – If you don’t have it you can download i from here.
- Required Partition files. Download them from here.
- Extract the downloaded Partition zip and place it in the SD card. Note the file location. In my case it is “/storage/sdcard1/partition/”.
(Keep note of your location because you will need to replace my location with your location in the upcoming steps.) - Open Terminal Emulator and type the following command.
- It will prompt for granting superuserΒ permissions. Allow it.
- Now you need to flash the partitions one by one.
- Flash the misc partition. Type the following command. (Better use copy paste to eliminate errors)
dd if=/storage/sdcard1/partition/misc.img of=/dev/mmcblk0p22
- Flash the Presist partition. Type the following command:
dd if=/storage/sdcard1/partition/persist.img of=/dev/mmcblk0p18
- Flash the ModemΒ partition. Type the following command:
dd if=/storage/sdcard1/partition/modem.img of=/dev/mmcblk0p1
- After this reboot your device.
- Even after the reboot you will see that your SIM offline issue is not solved.
- Now the final step is to flash back the complete firmware using Nokia Software Recovery Tool. Once the flashing process completes and device is booted back up, then you will see that the SIM offline problem is solved. You can Download Nokia Software Recovery tool from here.
- ToΒ flash back the complete firmware your can check this tutorial.Β How to: Reinstall Software of Nokia X2
That’s it. Now you have fixed the SIM offline error.Β I wouldΒ like to thank Taufik Hidayat for making the partition dump and for providing the terminal commands.
If you have anyΒ questions then you can ask them using the comments section below π
please make a backup of nokia x2ds nv item file(.qcn) from working sim.using qpst tool please upload as soon as possible… I shall be highly obliged.
terminal emulator says cant execute : permission denied. when ever i flash the misc and other partition.
You need to root your device. π
rooting the device than after what should we do to fix sim error problem
my phone nokia x2ds phone sim offline problem…..plz….plz help me
same happpnd with me ,, so how about yur wifi ,is it working
please upload modemst1,modemst2,fsg partition img file imei.qcn qpst backup from another working nokia x2ds
here (except system,cache,userdata because it is big)
only efs partition backups(misc,persist,modem,modemst1,modemst2,fsg,fsc) ‘img’ files upload please …… so that i can try to fix sim offline problem
here is backup tool link
did you sove this ? If you do, how ?
Bro your google drive link worked and i downloaded all files.But can you tell these backup from rm 1013 or not?
efs partition(modemst1,modemst2,fsg,fsc,misc,persist) are not working please upload these partition file from working sim card nokia x2ds rm1013.please……..I will not restore your phone’s IMEI.I will change with my original IMEI using qpst tool.
i did the same on nokia x2 dual sim but not working bro….
this is a fake solution,,,,,,
hey… please I tried using terminal emulator, I was able to complete the steps but on getting to Nokia recovery tool twasnt able to install. what do I do?
flashing the img using terminal FAIL…. flashing using nokia care suit still Fail… flashing full modem file use twrp still nothing changed…. now i really confuse what way that can work now… please anyone give some feedback what way will gonna work to fix… it will help all people around the world that facing sim error… π
sorry for bad english .. π but i really really love this phone afterall… π for EDWARD what way that u use to fix this? π
I think you need to visit care center. π
The folks over there can help you.
Hum… if the care center are not so far from here… i will go but… now in my place nokia center are closed after all since all chinense phone open their busines here…
Afterall. Its far from my house…
By the way thanks for the suggest.. at least there still people here that try to fix this…
π and share it… even it fail for me… π‘ hahahaha… thanks… π
thanks okieiam if you can able to post link of Pac-Man v4.3
and if it works you will be god for nokia x2 owners
What its mean daily driver?.. :/ can u explain to me?…
My solution work 100%:
1-> flash Pac-Man v4.3
2-> wipe /system /data /cache /dalvik, all
3-> flash daily driver version of your choice
how flash daily driver
Thanks, Very it worked for me bro (Y). You are such a genius (Y)
Good to hear it worked π
Thanks for your valuable feedback π
nokia software recovery tool its not working it shows setup failed what will do at this time..please tell me…
If I am not wrong, this error is thrown out while installing it.
Check your Internet connection and try again, as internet connection is required to downloads additional drivers.
You can check the log for more information.
But other people are saying that it can be motherboard problem is that true?
imei null, and i have to rooting, but i cant do it, anybody help me step by step?
Get Nokia X2 tools and just Press the option “4-Gain Root Access”.
If you flash the phone using infinity box without doing this process can it work?
I don’t think it would work. π
how to root nokia x2ds, i am confused
For rooting you can use Nokia X2 Tools. π
how to install nokia x2ds stock rom using nokia care…..(offline mode)
Download the ROM and then do refurbish.
How to use Nokia Software Recovery tool how?
Check the procedure here. π
I. Will. Try. It..if. My. Sim. Work. I will. Call. You. Great. Man
hello sir i am fallow the above step bye step but problem is not solve offline show again
hey zaid don,t worry…..
download the advanved tool nokia x2 nd try to tun in qpst mode nd create a imei nd restore it using qpst configuration software….it works
Nd stay on original stock rom not any kind of cutom rom
this one,d.c2E
i flashed the stock rom
Hmm. It’s weird.
Now the last option is to use Nokia Care Suite for Flashing your phone firmware.
and software recovery tool still saying: “something went wrong”
Did You flash back the stock based rom?
Falsh the Stock based any rom like NOKDRIOD then check Software Recorvery tool.
It should work then. π
did’t work
oh ok i will see. and what if the sim doesn’t start working??
If it doesn’t work then we need to find a new way. π
Or else you need to take you phone to Nokia care Centre.
Btw have tested this method with two people and they reported it to be working. π
Try it and let us know the result. π
yeah i guessed so. btw thanks. so if i flash stock rom back will i need to repeat the steps again??
No. No need to do it again.
After flashing your SIM should start working. π
whenever i connect my phone with software recovery tool. Software recovery tool says something went wrong ….
You must on Using a custom ROM right.?
For the Nokia Software Recovery tool to detect your device, you phone should be on Stock ROM.
So you can flash the Nokdroid ROM or use Nokia Care Suite to refurbish your phone. π