Microsoft Nokia

Lumia 630 vs Lumia 638 – What are the Key Differences?

Microsoft made the Lumia 638 official in India a day back and for the most part, it looks exactly like the Nokia Lumia 630 in terms of design, screens size and the features. So what exactly is different among the two? Let’s find out

Lumia 638 is a 4G & Higher Memory Version of Lumia 630

Lumia 630 and 638 are completely identical in terms of the looks, screen size, physical dimensions and basically everything else. The only real difference between the two is that the Lumia 638 is a 4G version with 1GB of RAM while Lumia 630 only supports 3G and comes with 512MB of RAM. There is also a slight difference in weight (Lumia 638 is 2 grams heavier) and screen density (Lumia 638 has slightly lesser ppi). Besides these, the camera, battery and all the hardware remains the same as seen on the Lumia 630. Unlike Lumia 630, the Lumia 638 does not have a Dual-SIM version though.

lumia 638 white official
Lumia 638

If we compare the Lumia 638 with Lumia 635, the difference even reduces as Lumia 635 is already 4G data capable and hence only difference amongst two will be of the extra RAM. It is similar to how Lumia 525 was launched with more memory while keeping everything else the same as was in Lumia 520.

Extra memory will definitely be beneficial as the memory demand of modern day apps keeps on increasing. Multitasking will also be smoother with more number of apps being kept open in the background. The extra memory also entitles the phone to be able to install many games which don’t yet support 512MB RAM devices.

Purchase Lumia 638 in India

In India, the Lumia 638 will start selling for a price of ₹8299 and Amazon India takes the exclusivity for its online sales. While standard sales will open on 18th of December (tomorrow), you can already pre-order the phone so that you do not run into the risk of stock outs and all.

Buy Lumia 638 from Amazon

Free Airtel 4G with Lumia 638

If you purchase a Lumia 638 and use an Airtel SIM card, you are eligible for a promotion in which you get 5GB of 4G data valid for 2 months. The offer seems to be only available to Airtel subscribers using Postpaid connection and residing in Bangalore. Valid through 15th December  2014 – 15th March 2015. For more details, check airtel website.


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