Android Guides Nokia

Dual Boot On Nokia X2 (Part-2)

In the previous part we have repartition the SD card for flashing the ROM. This step is the most important step before flashing ROM’s. Now we are ready to flash the MultiBootloader. This MultiBootloader can only be used for CyanogenMod 11 rom on your Nokia X2. So before flashing this install CyanogenMod 11 on your Nokia X2.

Your warranty is now void. I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. * Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications.

Install MultiBootloader:

  1. Copy KERNEL.IMG files to internal memory card/TWRP folder (/sdcard/TWRP)
  2. Download the Kernel images from here.
  3. Download MultiBootloader from here. (Updated to v1.20)
  4. Extract it and open “installer” and wait till it boots to recovery.
  5. So now when you boot up to device, it will ask to which kernel you want to execute.
    Kernel Available for execution
    Kernels Available for execution
  6. You have installed multibootloader on CyanogenMod11 so if you want to boot to ROM, select “nand_cm11”.

You can also install Multibootloader with Multibootloader Tool. You can download Multibootloader Tool from here.
Check this video for more information.

Flash ROM with NativeSD Support

To install the ROM on SD Card you need to flash ROM which have Native SD support. So here’s the list and download link for all NAND ROM’s and NATIVE SD ROM’s.

Check the video for information on Installing Nand And NativeSD ROM’s

I have not yet tested the sd-ext ROM’s which i have made because during the process of partitioning the SD card, due to my mistake my Memory card got corrupted. So could not test them till I buy a new SD card. If Someone is ready to take the risk and test the ROM then it will be helpful for everyone.
NAND ROM’s NativeSd ROM’s
CyanogenMod11- Download Link

sd-ext_CyanogenMod11- Download Link ; GoogleDrive Link

NokDroid-Download Link sd-ext_NokDroid-Download Link
FiUI Rom-Download Link sd-ext_FiUI Rom-Download Link
XperienceROM-Download Link sd-ext_XperienceROM-Download Link
LollipoMOD-Beta- Download Link sd-ext_LollipopMOD-Beta- Download Link Coming Soon
CyanogenMod 12.1- Download Link sd-ext_CyanogenMod 12.1- Download Link Coming Soon

Check this video if you are Flashing Cyanogen 12.1 Rom On Nokia X2.

Be careful after flashing the ROM’s.

  1. If you have installed CM11 based ROM’s as your Nand ROM then execute the kernel “nand_cm11.img”.
  2. If you have installed CM11 based ROM’s as your NativeSd ROM then execute the kernel “ext_cm11.img”.
  3. If you have installed Stock based ROM’s as your Nand ROM then execute the kernel “nand_stock.img”.
  4. If you have installed Stock based ROM’s as your NativeSd ROM then execute the kernel “ext_stock.img”.

Keep checking for the new ROM’s. Will keep on updating them. If you get some issues during the process comment it using the comment section. We will try to sort it out. 🙂


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